IEEE Industry Applications Society For Research Enhancement and Career Development
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报告开始:2021年12月15日 09:30(Asia/Shanghai)


所在会场:[P] Plenary Session [P1] Open ceremony & invited speech@Plenary Session



The Industry Applications Society (IAS) is the sixth-largest society within the IEEE. There are more than 12000 members within the IAS. As a transnational organization, IAS is interested in the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronic engineering in the development, design, manufacture, and application of electrical systems, apparatus, devices, and controls to the processes and equipment of industry and commerce; promotion of safe, reliable and economic installations; industry leadership in energy conservation and environment, health, and safety issues; creation of voluntary engineering standards and recommended practices; and the professional development of its membership.

For sustainable development, IAS has devoted a significant amount of resources and efforts for its members, especially to young professionals and students. The Chapters and Membership Department (CMD) of IAS has launched many programs to stimulate the participation of young professionals and students.

This presentation discusses the available resources and opportunities within the IAS to enhance your research and career development. 

Wei-Jen Lee
The University of Texas at Arlington

Professor Lee received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan., and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas, Arlington, in 1978, 1980, and 1985, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering.
In 1986, he joined the University of Texas at Arlington, where he is currently a professor of the Electrical Engineering Department and the director of the Energy Systems Research Center. 
He has been involved in the revision of IEEE Std. 141, 339, 551, 739, 1584, and 3002.8 development. He is the President of the IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) and an editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and IAS Magazine. He is the project manager of IEEE/NFPA Collaboration on Arc Flash Phenomena Research Project.
Prof. Lee has been involved in research on Utility Deregulation, Renewable Energy, Arc Flash Hazards and Electrical Safety, Smart Grid, MicroGrid, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Virtual Power Plants (VPP), AI for Load, Price, and Wind Capacity Forecasting, Power Quality, Distribution Automation, Demand Response, Power Systems Analysis, Short Circuit Analysis, and Relay Coordination Distributed Energy Resources, Energy Storage System, PEV Charging Infrastructure Design, AMI and Big Data, On-Line Real-Time Equipment Diagnostic and Prognostic System, and Microcomputer Based Instrument for Power Systems Monitoring, Measurement, Control, and Protection. He has served as the primary investigator (PI) or Co-PI of over one hundred funded research projects with a total amount exceeding US$12 million dollars. He has published more than two hundred journal papers and three hundred conference proceedings. He has provided on-site training courses for power engineers in Panama, China, Taiwan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and Singapore. He has refereed numerous technical papers for IEEE, IET, and other professional organizations.
Prof. Lee is a Fellow of IEEE and a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.

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  • 会议日期





  • 11月10日 2021


  • 12月10日 2021


  • 12月11日 2021


IEEE IAS Student Chapter of Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU)
IEEE IAS Student Chapter of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
IEEE PELS (Power Electronics Society) Student Chapter of HUST