The characteristics of Mesoscale Convective System Precipitation over North China and its seasonal variability
更新:2022-07-01 11:35:08 浏览:408次
Using GPM hourly precipitation data, ERA5 (0.25°×0.25°) data, and Iterative Rain Cell Tracking method, we identify and track MCSs precipitation during the warm season (May-October) in North China from 2015 to 2020 to investigate seasonal variations of MCSs precipitation characteristics.
The spatial distribution and propagation characteristics of MCSs precipitation show great variations in different months and are related with their life hours. MCSs precipitation contribute to about half of the total precipitation in warm season. MCSs precipitation centers move from west to east, and the speeds slow with the decreasing of altitude. In May and June, the centers most locate in the Yanshan area of eastern North China, mostly initiate in the Yanshan area, and peak in the eastern part near the Bohai Sea. In July and August, the precipitation centers move to the plain in south of Yanshan mountain, and another center appeare in Luliang Mountain, Taihang Mountain is the high-frequency area where the precipitation starts and reaches its peak. While In September and October, the precipitation centers move northward to the mountains in the western part of North China. The daily peak phase of MCSs precipitation delay with altitude, and there are seasonal differences. The rainfall often starts at 16:00 pm in the Taihang Mountains from May to August, and starts at 10:00 am in the western mountainous areas from September to October and the characteristics of precipitation spreading downstream from July to October are more obvious. The total precipitation shows a single peak in the afternoon, while the MCSs precipitation showed a double (multiple) peak in the afternoon and night, and the peak amplitude was stronger at night from July to October. In terms of precipitation characteristics of MCSs, the maximum hourly precipitation and the average hourly precipitation are the strongest in July and August, the precipitation area is the largest in September and October, and the precipitation center moves the fastest. The long-lived and short-lived MCSs precipitation has stronger precipitation intensity, precipitation area and moving speed. The MCSs precipitation area has asymmetric evolution with the life history of precipitation intensity, and the area after the intensity reaches the peak is larger than the area before the peak. The MCSs precipitation in North China occurs with 500hPa anomalous low pressure in the western of North China, high pressure anomaly tin he eastern. The total column of water vapor is richer, and 950hPa southerly wind abnormally convergence around the Taihang Mountains in North China. Compared with short-lived MCSs precipitation, the 300hPa temperature , 500hPa pressure and the water vapor are more anomalous in the long-lived MCSs, , the convergence of southerly wind is stronger in 950hPa.
North China,Mesoscale Convective System,Precipitation,Seasonal variability