Yue Han, Yuntao Zhou*
#Session 59 - Impacts of Climate and Biogeochemical Extremes on Marine Organisms and Ecosystems
Xiaojie Lu, Changming Dong*, Han ZHANG
#Session 6 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate Scales
Minglei Ma, Senjie Lin*, Jingtian Wang, Chengmin Zhu
#Session 58 - Molecular approaches integrated with AI to Oceanography: from DNA to global-scale processes
Zongqing Lv*
#Session 33 - Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions
Xiaoyue CUI*
#Session 32 - Digital twins of the ocean (DTO) and its applications
Zhenzhen Li, Juan Diego Gaitan-Espitia*
#Session 9 - Global Ocean Changes: Regional Processes and Ecological Impacts
Dorsaf Kerfahi, Jonathan M. Adams*, Jason M. Hall-Spencer
#Session 9 - Global Ocean Changes: Regional Processes and Ecological Impacts
Zhaoyuan YU*
#Session 55 - Coastal Zone Evolution and Tipping Process
Zirong Huang, Mahyar Mohtadi, Stephan Steinke*, Anran Chen, Ruixiang Zhai
#Session 44 - Western Boundary Currents, Eddies and Their Impacts on Multi-disciplinary Aspects
#Session 32 - Digital twins of the ocean (DTO) and its applications
Guoxiong Wu*, Yimin Liu, Bian He, Chen Sheng, Yanxi Li
#Session 4 - Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Observations and Modeling
Xiaoyu Wang, Xin LIN*, Ling Li, Huatao Yuan, Sitong Lin, Wenxue Wu, Hao LUO
#Session 19 - Marine Plankton Ecosystem and Global Climate Change
KOILPITCHAI GOPI, Darbha Gopala Krishna, Y.S. Leung Jonathan*
#Session 56 - Marine Microplastics: Novel Methods, Transportation processes and Ecological effects
Nansheng Chen*
#Session 12 - Alleviating the impact of emerging Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) to coastal ecosystems and seafood safety for a sustainable and healthy Ocean
Mingyu Han, Yuntao Zhou*
#Session 59 - Impacts of Climate and Biogeochemical Extremes on Marine Organisms and Ecosystems