ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering,® is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering.
We are soliciting Research Papers, Experience Reports, and Position Papers for the International Workshop on Software Engineering Curricula for Millennials (SECM 2017), to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in conjunction with the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2017).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
software engineering education for new and emerging technologies;
novel approaches to designing software engineering curricula;
needs and expectations of Millennials aspiring to be software engineers;
skills and continuing education for software engineering educators;
classroom formats that cater to diverse learning styles;
teaching approaches that leverage technology-enhanced education in software engineering courses;
balancing teaching of soft and hard skills
balancing rigor and practicality;
experience in educating the Millennials in a software engineering program;
experience in being educated as a Millennial in a software engineering program;
experiential and hands-on learning for software engineers;
employees’ needs and expectations of fresh software engineering graduates in a fast changing software landscape; and
gaps and challenge in professional graduate software engineering programs.
Submission Categories
Research Papers, including case studies, are intended for original research results.
Experience Reports should describe experiences experiences in training Millennials in software engineering courses or curricula in higher education or professional settings with a focus on insights and lessons learned. The experiences may be based on traditional, novel, or mixed pedagogical approaches, tools, technologies, techniques, or platforms.
Position Papers may share the author’s insights or propose an original idea or an opinion from the student’s, employee’s or educator’s perspective. We welcome controversial topics and outside-the-box thinking. Position Papers should be single-authored and include the author’s brief biographical sketch. We will be looking for ability to clearly articulate ideas and evidence of willingness to actively participate in the workshop and contribute to workshop goals.