Edge computing is one of the most recent approaches towards the extension of cloud computing capabilities to the edges of the network. It combines elements of Information Technology (IT) and telecommunication networking, hence extending cloud computing capabilities and IT services to the edges of cellular networks. This minimizes network congestion and also improves the overall performance of the network.
The main idea of edge computing is bringing the cloud processing, storage and caching closer to the edge of the network as well as to the users. Other similar approaches are Cloudlets, Fog, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), as well as their hybrids. Edge computing provides many advantages, such as improved QoS (lower latency, higher throughput), improved security and privacy, improved scalability and resource-efficiency as well as improved management through virtualization.
Furthermore, ubiquitous ultra-broadband, virtually zero latency and gigabit experience will be the key defining features of beyond 5G networks to enable new services. The extreme capacity and performance demands of future mobile networks will necessitate major changes in the way we produce and utilize digital services. Along with SDN (Software Defined Networks) and NFV (Network Function Virtualization) concepts, enabling technologies such as cloud computing and edge computing become pertinent towards the evolution to future mobile networks.
The heterogeneity of future mobile services and connected devices will lead to the challenge of holistic design of a robust edge computing system. Among them, security and resource efficiency are identified as key challenges. The “Secure and Resource-Efficient Edge Computing 2017" (SecureEdge 2017) aims at crossroads between scientists, researchers, practitioners and students from diverse domains in edge computing research. The workshop aims at attracting contributions of secure and resource efficient design that can support existing and future applications.
Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to:
Theoretical analysis for edge computing systems
Edge computing architectures and solution design patterns
Virtualization for edge computing systems and networking
Modeling and performance analysis for edge computing
Service provisioning and migration in edge computing/li>
Multimedia service provisioning on edge computing
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) in edge computing
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and Fog Computing
Edge computing for Internet of Things (IoT)
Cognitive Edge computing and the Blockchain
Virtual Private LAN Services in edge computing
Mobile edge cloud system and network design
Storage, data, and analytics for edge computing design and networking
Software Defined Networking (SDN) for edge computing
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) for edge computing
Sensor network key management protocols
Privacy-preserving data processing
Identity-defined networking
MEC security architectures for 5G Networks
Security and privacy management for edge cloud systems
Security requirements and security principles in edge computing
Authentication and access management in edge computing
Edge computing security business and technical use cases
Security auditing and security monitoring
Regulatory impacts on security
Resilience, fault tolerance in edge computing
Performance optimization for edge computing applications
Green edge computing systems and networking
Scalability, performance, and load balance
Real-time resource reporting and monitoring for edge computing management
Quality of service on edge computing applications, including reliability, availability
Validations and Testbeds
Surveys on edge computing systems