
Welcome to the first IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics In Defense Conference (RAPID) to be held in 2018 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa located in the Heart of Florida’s Emerald Coast on the Gulf of Mexico!

The IEEE RAPID conference aims to bring together government, academia and industry in a global forum to present new fundamental basic research, innovative technologies and build collaborations to solve critical security and defense challenges. This international conference will be broad in scope covering such areas as electromagnetics, device physics, optics and photonics, algorithms, and test and evaluation to name a few. With the breadth of topics covered, this conference seeks to attract diverse participation and collaboration from academia, industry, defense and government agencies that will promote security interests with opportunities to increase technical depth and breadth as well as networking with peers. In a world where technology is rapidly changing, collaborations and multidisciplinary work is the only way to solve research challenges and foster the next generation of scientific discovery.

This year’s program will include a wide range of technical sessions, workshops, and short courses, as well as an industry exposition. It will also have specific STEM activities for students and young professionals. This meeting is intended to be a premier international forum for the exchange of ideas on the state-of-the-art in research focused on Photonics. Through a range of technical and social activities, it will provide the opportunity to interact with the world's leading experts in Photonics from academia, industry, and government.

We look forward to seeing you in Florida for an exciting program at RAPID 2018!





Emerging sciences in photonics

This track will cover some of the most exciting emerging sciences in photonics. Topics include: quantum sensing and spintronics, topological insulators and photonics, 2D and other reduced dimensionality materials for photonics as well as modeling and simulation for advanced photonics.

Enabling technologies in photonics

This track will address enabling technologies for photonics.  Topics include: microwave optics and RF photonics, higher level devices and integrated systems for photonics, and position navigation and time technologies, as well novel fabrication and characterization methods that enable advanced functionality in photonics.

Materials and Manufacturing for Advanced Photonics

This track will focus on the materials, processes, and manufacturing technologies required for advanced photonics. Topics will include novel materials, nano and quantum science, nonlinear phenomena, as well as bottom-up/additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping.

Optical emitter/detector devices and integrated photonics

This track will examine devices and materials that enable imaging and sensing platforms. The topics covered will include integrated photonics and optical devices, lasers/emitters, UV optoelectronics, and optical detectors and focal plane arrays.

Optical metamaterials, plasmonics and subwavelength photonics

The track will cover micro- and nano- technologies that have enabled unprecedented control of light – matter interactions on the subwavelength scale. The track will have dedicated sessions focusing on experimental, theoretical and device application aspects of nanophotonics, plasmonics, optical metamaterials and metasurfaces.

Photonics for defense systems

This track will assess the state-of-the-art of photonics technologies to applications and systems that are relevant in defense. The topics covered will include EO/IR/LADAR, hardware and software testing of optical systems, instrumentation and control for test and evaluation, devices and systems for sensors and displays, holography and projection.

Human state measurement and biosensing

This track will focus on optical technologies that are pertinent to the human element in defense using biological and human centered capabilities. The topics will include materials and devices for biosensing, biosensing methods, human state measurement and human analyst augmentation.

Optical Imaging and Sensing Technology

This track will cover optical imaging and sensing technology that supports detection, recognition, classification and characterization for defense applications. Topics include spectral, polarimetric, and multimodal imaging; blast/shock imaging and spectroscopic techniques; terahertz photonics; and target detection and pattern recognition.

Bioinspired and bioprincipic technologies

This track will focus on multidisciplinary research that investigates biological optical systems in order to understand and apply the principles that enable such high performing systems.  Topics covered will include optical technologies/architectures, sensors, signal and information processing. Areas of interest include curved FPAs, GRIN optics, novel transducers, integrated sensing and processing, natural polarization and spectral signatures, bio-inspired materials and structures, multi-aperture architectures, performance metrics / figures of merit for unconventional approaches, etc.

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  • 会议日期





  • 04月23日 2018


  • 04月23日 2018


  • 08月24日 2018

