We have made great progress in developing tools to understand and map the fundamental elements of travel behavior. Quantitative and qualitative methods that help unravel human activity-travel behavior have advanced through basic and applied research and produced new practical applications. In this conference, we will map our understanding of the fundamental aspects that make up the genome of travel behavior. This includes the motivational, cognitive, situational, and disposition factors that drive activity-travel behavior. It also includes modeling and analysis of travel demand based on theories and analytical methods from a variety of scientific fields. To facilitate paper submission and organization, we have identified five thematic tracks: a) psychometrics; b) pattern recognition; c) human interaction; d) new data collection/surveys; and e) modeling & simulation. Not only do genomic studies describe the fundamental mechanisms of evolution and adaptation, but they also provide insights about diversity among behaviors. Through an exciting program that fosters discovery and knowledge exchange, we aim to catalogue the state of the art in mapping the travel behavior genome.
A sample of topics from past conferences includes:
Passenger travel behavior analysis, modeling, and forecasting
Travel survey methods including stated choice experiments
Telecommunications and information systems
Time use and travel interactions
Tourism, leisure, and recreation
Microsimulation of individuals, households, and organizations
Land use, urban form, travel behavior, air quality, and climate change
Transportation network analysis and supply modeling
Spatial cognition, route choice and wayfinding behavior
Time-space and agent interactions in activity-travel analysis
Location choice and activity patterns
Time use, travel, and quality of life
Travel behavior of vulnerable and special population groups
Social implications of accessibility
Social networking and travel behavior
Sustainable transportation and public transportation
Transportation data science and analytics