




The Annual International Conference on ICT: Big Data, Cloud and Security (ICT-BDCS 2018) serves as a platform for industry professionals, academics, researchers, scientists, consultants and policy makers to interact and discuss various issues in big data, cloud computing and IT security.

Big Data is a key enabler of exploring business insights and economics of services and is already making large impacts in finance, manufacturing, retail, and social networks. BDCS 2018's include but not limited to: Big Data Architecture, Big Data Modeling, Big Data As A Service, Big Data for Vertical Industries (Government, Healthcare, etc.), Big Data Analytics, Big Data Toolkits, Big Data Open Platforms, Economic Analysis, Big Data for Enterprise Transformation, Big Data in Business Performance Management, Big Data for Business Model Innovations and Analytics, Big Data in Enterprise Management Models and Practices, Big Data in Government Management Models and Practices, and Big Data in Smart Planet Solutions.

Computing in its purest form has changed a lot of times. From the early stages of the mainframes where larger and more expensive, to smaller and more affordable personal computers and servers to a newer, emerging technology, cloud computing. It is an emerging research topic widely discussed within the community of distributed systems and Grid computing experts. It promises to vastly change how we use, manage and implement the computing systems both in the public and private sector. We are accepting papers with topics but not limited to new applications for clouds, mobile clouds, cloud management and configuration, cloud economics, core cloud services, cloud technologies and virtualization platforms.

In IT Security, we constantly hear information how hackers find new and scary ways to access -- and misuse -- privileged information for unscrupulous or questionable purposes. The conference hopes to address these concerns as you learn all about actual and important IT-Security trends, technologies and solutions to get real answers of your questions and practical benefits to meet today´s and tomorrow’s threats. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: access control, accountability, anonymity, authentication, critical infrastructure security, data and system integrity, database security, executable content, formal methods and verification, game theory and decision theory, hardware- based security, humans and computer security, intrusion detection, language-based security, network security, privacy, provenance, resource usage control, security for mobile computing, security models, security protocols, software security, socio-technical security, trust management, usable security and web security.

The conference seeks submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research on all practical and theoretical aspects in the field of cloud computing, big data and IT security. It provides a key forum for researchers and industry practitioners to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of art and practice of these fields in today’s ubiquitous and virtual environment.





The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Theme 1: Big Data     

Theme 2: Cloud Computing and Virtualization

Theme 3: Information and Network Security

Theme 4: Cryptography and Algorithms

Theme 5: Security and Privacy Issues in Networks

Theme 6: Multimedia Security

Theme 7: Cloud and Grid Security

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  • 会议日期





  • 02月23日 2018


  • 08月28日 2018

