




Matrix and tensor factorizations have a long history in machine learning. Being able to recover latent factors in the data and flexible enough to accommodate a large set of constraints and regularizations, matrix and tensor factorization methods have found several applications in computer vision problems, providing a natural framework to handle the inherently complex structure of visual data (e.g., spatial and temporal dimensions in videos) and their multi-aspect, multimodal, and heterogeneous nature (e.g., RGB and depth images of the same object). Besides that, recent renaissance of tensor methods is furthermore attributed to current advances on the development of scalable algorithms for tensor operations and novel models through tensor representations that have deemed successful in unsupervised learning of latent variable models and dictionaries, uncovering high-order relations in the data, training deep neural networks, and explaining some of their theoretical aspects. These progresses, along with industry solutions such as Google TensorFlow, Torch, and Tensor Processing Unit, trigger new directions and problems towards matrix and tensor methods in computer vision.

The workshop aims to foster discussion, discovery, and dissemination of research activities and outcomes in this area and encourages breakthroughs. We will bring together researchers in theories and applications who are interested in analysis and factorization of tensors and matrices as second-order tensors and development of tensor-based algorithms for computer vision tasks. We will also invite researchers from related areas, such as numerical linear algebra, high-performance computing, deep learning, data analysis, among others, to contribute to this workshop.

We believe that this workshop can foster new directions, closer collaborations and novel applications. We also expect a deeper conversation regarding why learning with tensors at current stage is important, where it is useful, what tensor computation software and hardware work well in practice and, how we can progress further with interesting research directions and open problems.



We encourage discussions on recent advances in theory, algorithms, and applications of matrix and tensor factorization in computer vision. We are soliciting original contributions that address a wide range of theoretical and practical issues including, but not limited to:

Advances in matrix and tensor factorization methods:

  • Matrix and tensor factorization methods for component analysis, dictionary learning, and latent variable models.

  • Matrix and tensor models with structural constraints (e.g., sparsity, low-rank, non-negativity etc.)

  • Matrix and tensor methods on non-Euclidean domains (e.g., kernels, manifolds, graphs etc.)

  • Robust to noise and outliers matrix and tensor factorizations

  • Mathematical optimization methods for matrix and tensor factorizations

Applications of matrix and tensor factorization methods to computer vision problems:

  • Factorization methods for rigid and non-rigid structure from motion, photometric stereo, and cameral calibration

  • Spatial and temporal segmentation and clustering of videos and image ensembles

  • Action and behavior analysis using tensors and tensor decompositions

  • Image enhancement, de-noising, and impainting using tensor methods

  • Tensor methods in medical imaging

  • Feature extraction using tensor methods

  • Tensor factorization for fusion of visual information with text, audio, and other modalities

  • Fast and scalable implementations of tensor methods for computer vision tasks

  • Software and hardware for tensors

Open and emerging research questions:

  • To role of invariance in learning with matrices and tensor. How to design matrix and tensor factorization that capture desirable invariances (e.g., invariant to geometric transformation, spatial and temporal deformations etc)?

  • Deep and non-linear matrix and tensor factorizations

  • Algorithms with theoretical guarantees for factorization methods

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  • 10月23日



  • 10月23日 2017

