The International Communication Section (ICS) of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites submissions of abstracts for papers and panel proposals for the IAMCR 2018 conference to be held in Eugene, Oregon, USA, from the 20th – 24th June 2018. The deadline for proposal submissions is 31 January 2018, and this deadline will not be extended. See bottom of the page for timeline and other important dates.
At the ICS we welcome these and other related questions in the form of abstract and panel proposals. The International Communication Section aims to provide a space for researchers to discuss questions around the sustainability of communication and media research in all its forms. Possible themes may also include:
Changes in culture and politics and their influence on media and societiesSustainability of media discourses due to these and other recent changes.Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and the way they are becoming ‘sustainable’ due to recent cultural and political transformations.The ethical challenges that the concept of ‘sustainability’ implies in different media and media societiesThe political and social changes that affect ‘sustainability’ in the media and / or the cultureComparative studies referring to ‘sustainability’ and media research, and the changes they have gone through, are also encouraged.