The SGEM International Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts examine the nature of disciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific concepts that arise in the context of ‘real world’ applications. It also interrogates what constitutes ‘Science’ in a Social context, and the connections between Social Sciences and Arts. The focus of the papers ranges from the finely grained and empirical principles to wide-ranging multidisciplinary practices and perspectives on knowledge and method.
The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for academicians and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests related to Modern Science, Ancience Science, Science and Society, Science and Humanities, Urban planning, Architecture and design, Science and Arts to meet, exchange knowledge and interact with each other.
SGEM 2018 palette of themes has grown to include 28 new topics adding to the field of research modern problems like business and management, demography and women’s studies, information, media and communications, cultural and urban studies, ethnology and folklore, to mention but a few.
All papers presented during the conference will be peer-reviewed and published in hard copy conference proceedings that are given to every participant at the conference venue. The scientific impact factor of the event is assured by the long-established and strong connections with most of the well-known indexing databases - ISI Web of Knowledge, Web of Science, Thomson Reuters, ELSEVIER products, CrossRef, EBSCO, ProQuest, RSCI (РИНЦ), Google Scholar, Mendeley, CiteUlike, CrossRef Citedby Linking, British Library and other scientific institutions.
The Conferences include also accompanying events, such as performing arts (live dance performances, theater, and music, etc.) and very interesting cultural trips with historic value.
We would like to invite you to share your experience and research in the field of Social Sciences and Arts with experts from all over the world.
Conference participants present their work in parallel sessions scheduled throughout 7 conference days. Aiming to keep the value of interactions among participants, these sessions are arranged in a programme that allows live discussions following the formal presentations. Parallel Sessions consist of: Oral/Poster Sessions; PhD Sessions; Workshop Sessions; Exhibitions and Demonstrations.