Gender-based violence is widespread in every place, every culture, every geographical area and every social class. The scientific and academic fields are not exempt from this phenomenon, and indeed, violence, marginalization, discrimination and other forms of abuses against women are as frequent as elsewhere. A particular aspect of this violence is sexual harassment, which includes attitudes put in place in individual terms, suffered specifically by individuals and operated by individuals or groups. These may be physical, moral or social, although in the vast majority of cases these are attitudes, words or actions done predominantly by single men on single women (single in the sense, unfortunately, of one at a time), and who are individually endured.
It is necessary to take steps forward that lead to quantification, awareness and activation of a mechanism, especially social, which will finally leads to a solution. It is a long journey, but in this historical moment, it is not only possible, but a duty and almost ‘easy’ to start, following the example of many other women in several fields.
What do we know about harassment in other European countries? Most of the episodes reported in scientific journals refer to the USA. Do we want to believe that the situation is better in Europe? Or maybe in the old continent it is still preferable to keep the problem under wraps?
'Prevention is better than cure', this is why we need to know the terms of question we are facing to put in place the right tools for prevention. Having a clear picture is also necessary to be able to say tomorrow that prevention has worked. But until prevention is sufficiently effective, we need to find ways to address the problem.
The conference, co-organized by Donne e Scienza and the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS, is subdivided in three sessions, with invited talks and selected presentations. It will also be possible to present a poster.