LADC is the major Latin-American event on computer system dependability. The LADC 2018 program will present technical sessions, workshops, tutorials, fast abstracts, keynote talks from international experts in the area and an industrial track. The symposium scope includes recent research results on software and system dependability.
The Symposium is promoted by the CE-TF - Special Committee on Fault Tolerant Systems of the SBC (Brazilian Computer Society).
LADC'2018 will take place just after SRDS'2018 - The 37th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, which will also be held in Brazil (Salvador, Bahia). SRDS'2018 is from October 2 to 5 (Friday) and LADC'2018 starts on the following Monday (October 8 to 10).
General Chairs
Luiz Antonio Rodrigues (Western Paraná State Univerity (UNIOESTE) - Cascavel/PR - Brazil)
Edson Tavares de Camargo (Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR) - Toledo/PR - Brazil)
Elias Procópio Duarte Jr. (Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) - Curitiba/PR - Brazil)
Publicity Chair
Michele Nogueira (UFPR, BR)
Tutorial Chairs
Eduardo Alchieri (UnB, BR)
Luciana Arantes (UPMC/LIP6, FR)
Workshop Chairs
Eliane Martins (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Leonardo Montecchi (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Industrial Track
Ana Maria Ambrósio (INPE, Brazil)
Rodrigo Pastl Pontes (Fraunhofer Institute IPK, DE)
Student Forum Chairs
Raul Ceretta Nunes (UFSM, BR)
Rogério Turchetti (UFSM, BR)
Fast Abstract Chair
Miguel Correia (Univ. Lisboa, PT)
Alirio Santos de Sá (UFBA, BR)
Publication Chair
Luiz A. Rodrigues (UNIOESTE, BR)
Steering Committee
Andrea Bondavalli (UNIFI, IT)
Eduardo Alchieri (UNB, BR)
Eliane Martins (UNICAMP, BR)
Henrique Madeira (Univ. Coimbra, PT)
Juan Carlos Ruiz Garcia (UPV, ES)
Marco Vieira (Univ. Coimbra, PT)
Mohamed Kaaniche (LAAS, FR)
Regina Moraes (UNICAMP, BR)
Sérgio Cechin (UFRGS, BR)
2016年10月19日 哥伦比亚 Cali, Colombia
2016 Seventh Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing2013年04月02日 巴西