
2021 4th IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS 2021), co-sponsored by IEEE Beijing Section, and Chinese Institute of Command and Control(CICC), will be held on October 22-24, 2021, in Beijing, China. ICUS aims to provide an academic and technological exchange platform for scientists, engineers and practitioners over the world to discuss the latest academic and technical issues related to unmanned systems. It also offers an excellent opportunity for participants to share innovative ideas,recent findings and best practices on unmanned systems, robotics, automation, and intelligent systems.

So far, the ICUS has been held three times successfully in 2017, 2019 and 2020 respectively. All three previous conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore Digital Library and indexed by EI.

ICUS 2021 will feature high-quality plenary keynote speeches, oral and poster presentations. Several awards will be offered for outstanding contributions.

We cordially invite you to join us. Hope to see you in the beautiful city of Beijing during autumn.

Sponsor Type:3; 9


General Chairs

Prof. Aiguo Fei, Chinese Institute of Command and Control

Prof. Jie Chen, IEEE/IFAC Fellow, Tongji University

Prof. Feiyue Wang, IEEE/IFAC Fellow, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

General Co-Chairs

Prof. Teng Long, Beijing Institute of Technology

Prof. Jinhu Lv, Beihang University

Prof. Dongguang Li, North University of China


Prof. Yuchao Liu, Chinese Institute of Command and Control

Deputy Secretary-General

Prof. Rong Song, Chinese Institute of Command and Control

Technical Program Committee Chair

Prof. Quan Pan, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs

Prof. Zhang Ren, Beihang University

Prof. Xin Xu, National University of Defense Technology

Prof. Bin Dai, Academy of Military Sciences

Prof. Huaping Liu, Tsinghua University

Prof. Yuan Yuan, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Prof. Daxin Tian, Beihang University

Prof. Ronggang Zhu, Luoyang Institute of Electro-optical Equipment

Technical Program Committee Members

Prof. Xiangke Wang, National University of Defense Technology

Prof. Qinglei Hu, Beihang University

Prof. Xiwang Dong, Beihang University

Prof. Honglun Wang, Beihang University

Prof. Junzheng Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology

Prof. Hongbin Deng, Beijing Institute of Technology

Prof. Yuanqing Xia, Beijing Institute of Technology

Prof. Yi Yang, Beijing Institute of Technology

Prof. Yisheng Zhong, Tsinghua University

Prof. Ming He, Army Engineering University

Prof. Dewei Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Prof. Canbing Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Prof. Haitao Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Prof. Junlong Chen, South China University of Technology

Prof. Yingchao Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University

Prof. Ziyang Zhen, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Prof. Jifeng Guo, Harbin Institute of Technology

Prof. Huijun Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology

Prof. Jianru Xue, Xi'an Jiaotong University

Prof. Xiaolong Deng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. Bogen Cai, Beijing Jiaotong University

Prof. Zengqiang Chen, Nankai University

Prof. Yuming Bo, Nanjing University of Science & Technology

Prof. Chengsheng Pan, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Prof. Quanbo Ge, Tongji University

Associate Professor Tingting Zhang, Army Engineering University

Publication Chairs

Prof. Mengqi Zhou, IEEE China Council

Prof. Rong Song, Chinese Institute of Command and Control

Publicity Chair

Ying Du, Chinese Institute of Command and Control

Finance Chair

Qinna Hu, Chinese Institute of Command and Control

Conference Secretariat

Hongwei Yan, Chinese Institute of Command and Control

Peng Song, Chinese Institute of Command and Control




Over the years, unmanned systems, represented by unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned ground vehicles, unmanned surface ships, unmanned subsurface systems and robots, are developing rapidly, and have become a new growth pole and key support area of the global economy. Especially, unmanned systems are developing rapidly enabled by artificial intelligence.

This trend will be reflected in ICUS 2021 in various topics of interest under the theme “Unmanned Systems Innovation and Development in the Intelligence Age”. This conference will serve as a forum for scientists, engineers and practitioners to discuss related issues on unmanned systems.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1.Unmanned space system
2.Unmanned aerial system
3.Unmanned ground system
4.Unmanned surface system
5.Unmanned underwater system
6.Robotic system
7.Bionic unmanned system
8.New concept unmanned systems
9.Cooperation between manned and unmanned systems
10.Antagonistic game for unmanned systems
11.Anti-unmanned systems technology
12.Unmanned system dynamics
13.Unmanned system security and protection
14.Human-computer interaction for unmanned system
15.Unmanned system navigation and path planning
16.Unmanned system modeling and simulation
17.Networks and communications for unmanned system
18.Multi-source information fusion for unmanned system
19.Unmanned driving
20.Artificial intelligence and its application in unmanned systems
21.Unmanned System Application in such fields as agriculture, public security, transportation, disaster mitigation and relief, etc.


Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers in PDF format using one of the given IEEE templates, Microsoft word A4 or LaTeX.

All submitted papers had better not exceed 6 pages, including tables, figures and references. Each paper can be up to 8 pages, but the extra pages, i.e., the 7th and 8th pages, will be additionally charged.

Papers submitted should describe original, unpublished research results on the above or the related topics.

Multiple submission and plagiarism are prohibited. All accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE for plagiarism check.

It is the author’s responsibility to make sure that the submitted paper does not contain any confidential and/or sensitive contents.

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  • 会议日期





  • 06月20日 2021


  • 08月23日 2021


  • 10月24日 2021


Beijing Section Chinese Institute of Command and Control