IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10 HTC) is the premier annual cross disciplinary conference that provides a common platform for engineers, technologists, scientists, investors, representatives from NGOs, governments, academia and the industry to discuss recent advances in Humanitarian Technologies. The conference promotes discussions and presentations from the fields of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Computing & IT, Security, Disaster Management.
Sponsor Type:2; 3
Major technology topics under the conference theme include (not limited to):
Track 1: Computational Intelligence and its Applications
Track 2: Medicine and Bioinformatics
Track 3: Geoscience and remote sensing
Track 4: Smart technologies for sustainable solutions
Track 5: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
Track 6: Communication, Power and Energy systems
2025年09月29日 日本 Ichikawa
2025 IEEE 13th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference2023年10月16日 印度 Rajkot
2023 IEEE 11th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference2018年12月06日 斯里兰卡
2018 IEEE 6th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference2017年12月21日 孟加拉国 Dhaka
2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference2016年12月21日 印度 Agra, India
2016 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference2013年08月26日 日本
2013 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference