


The International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP) is an organization devoted to promoting research, practice, and development in the discipline of sport psychology throughout the world. The ISSP is a multidisciplinary association of scholars whose research interests focus on some aspects of sport psychology. The Society exists to (a) encourage and promote the study of human behaviour within sport, physical activity, and health settings; (b) facilitate the sharing of knowledge through a newsletter, meetings and a quadrennial congress, and (c) improve the quality of research and professional practice in sport psychology. The Society also endeavours to foster peace and understanding among people from all countries. Members of the Society include researchers, psychologists, educators, coaches and administrators, as well as students and athletes interested in sport psychology.

The ISSP is the only worldwide organisation of scholars explicitly concerned with sport psychology. It was formed in 1965 under the direction of Dr. Ferruccio Antonelli of Italy, since has had General Assembly meetings every four years during the World Congress. The truly international flavor of the ISSP is illustrated by its numerous members from a variety of countries, and the diverse locations of past World Congresses, which include: Rome, Italy (1965), Washington, USA (1968), Madrid, Spain (1973), Prague, Czechoslovakia (1977), Ottawa, Canada (1981), Copenhagen, Denmark (1985), Singapore (1989), Lisbon, Portugal (1993), Telaviv, Israel (1997), Skiathos, Greece (2001), Sydney, Australia (2005), Marrakesh, Morocco (2009), Beijing, China(2013), Seville, Spain (2017), & Taipei (2021).


The International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP)

Robert Schinke (Laurentian University, Canada)
Young-Ho Kim (Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea)
Tatiana Ryba (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Artur Poczwardowski (University of Denver, United States)
Hiroshi Sekiya (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Athanasius Nwanegbo Amasiatu (University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria)
Nkos Comoutos (University of Thessaly, Greece)
Yu-Kai Chang (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Daniel Gucciardi (School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Australia)
Chris Harwood (Loughborough University, United Kingdom)
Kristoffer Henriksen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Jolly Roy (Centre for Sport Science, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, India)
Lauren Loberg (Pyramid Performance Consulting, United States)
Franco Noce (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)

The Society for Sport and Exercise Psychology of Taiwan (SSEPT)

Yu-Kai Chang (National Taiwan Normal University)
Chiao-Lin Nien (National Taiwan University of Sport)
Chiao-Ling Hung (National Taiwan University)
Mei-Hwa Chen (National Changhua University of Education)
I-Hua Chu (Kaohsiung Medical University)
Tsung-Yu Hsieh (Fu Jen Catholic University)
Ching-Er Lin (National Taichung University of Education)
Han-Ni Peng (National Taiwan Sport University)
Hsiu-Hui Chen (National Taitung University)
Mei-Chi Chen (National Sports Training Center)
Yi-Hsiang Chiu (Chinese Culture University)
Ya-Wen Hsu (National Chiayi University)
Chi-Yen Lin (National Taiwan Ocean University)
Shih-Chiung Lai (National Taipei University of Nursing Health Science)
Chun-Hao Wang (National Cheng Kung University)
Hsiu-Tin Wu (National Taiwan University of Sport)
Li-Kang Chi (National Taiwan Normal University)
Yan-Huei Chuang (National Taiwan University of Sport)
Chung-Ju Huang (University of Taipei)
Tsung-Min Hung (National Taiwan Normal University)
San-Fu Kao (National Tsing Hua University)
Chu-Min Liao (National Taiwan Sport University)
Jing-Horng Lu (Chinese Culture University)
Su-Yen Liu (National Chung Cheng University)





Abstract Main Themes & Sub-Themes
A.Sport Psychology
Participants (e.g., personality, motivation, stress, anxiety)
Environments (e.g., competition and cooperation, feedback, reinforcement, intrinsic motivation)
Group processes (e.g., group and team dynamic, cohesion, leadership, communication)
Performance (e.g., psychological skills training, arousal regulation, imagery, self-confidence, goal setting, concentration, mindfulness)
Health and well-being (e.g., psychological well-being, exercise behavior and adherence, athletic injury and psychology, addictive and unhealthy behaviors, burnout and overtraining)
Psychological growth and development (e.g., children’s development, aggression, sportspersonship)
Classification in the sport psychology section for Diversity and Inclusiveness
Others (please identify)
B.Exercise Psychology
Exercise and physical activity epidemiology
Exercise behavior theories/models
Psychosocial influence of exercise (e.g., self-perceptions, self-concept, self-esteem, body image)
Psychosocial consequence of exercise (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression, emotional well-being, cognitive function, health-related quality of life)
Others (please identify)
C.Motor Learning and Control
Human information processing
Attention and performance
Sensory contributions to motor control
Central contributions to motor control
Simple movement
Individual differences and capability
Motor learning concepts and research methods
Conditions of practice
Augmented feedback
The learning process
Retention and transfer
Others (please identify)


Submission Method: Online abstract submission system only
Presentation Type: You may choose your preferred method of presentation of your abstract among the following four types:
Oral Presentation: 12-minutes presentation with 3-minutes Q&A session for each presentation. All presentations must be created in a Power Point-compatible format. You will get more details later if you have this style of presentation accepted.
Poster Presentation: The poster will be displayed in designate time to review and discuss by delegates. The maximum poster size is 90 x 120 cm. Presenters will receive instructions to post their posters prior to their session and will need to present at their poster to interact with attendees for the designated time period.
General Symposium
Partnership Symposium (By Invitation ONLY)
A 75-minute session presents 4 to 5 abstracts on a single theme from different perspectives on a sub-theme. Symposia are expected to be organized around a theme with a logical connection between speakers and/or a discussant to bring things together. An ideal format is a moderator (brief introduction), three speakers (studies), and/or a discussant (summary of the presentation and provide the future direction). The symposium organizer should be on behalf of other speakers submitting the abstracts to Online Abstract Submission System.
Updated on May 04, 2021
The enhanced presentation format, regarding SYMPOSIUM, will permit presenters to develop their oral delivery in the language one chooses, as opposed to an exclusive option of English. The development in format structure to suit our membership is as follows: 
a) All SYMPOSIUM abstracts must send by English as usual.
b) Regarding SYMPOSIUM, presentation/text is preferred to use English, but any mother tongue language will be accepted.
c) Regarding SYMPOSIUM, the final conclusion/or discussant materials should be presented briefly in English. 
Give me Five-5 Slides in 5 Minutes Free Communication Presentation: This presentation format entails a 5-minute presentation of five slides followed by 2 minutes of questions in a chaired session of short communications.
Abstracts must be proofread carefully to avoid errors before the submission. Please note that you can check and revise your submitted abstract on the system before May 31, 2021. Once Online Abstract Submission System closed then any modifications will not be accepted.
The same abstract cannot be submitted for consideration in different abstract categories.
Abstracts that have previously been published or presented will not be accepted.
The on-line submission also indicates the copyright agreement to publish the abstracts for all purposes of the Conference usage without further notice.
All accepted abstract will be published in Electric Congress Abstract Book.
The Scientific Committee of the ISSP 2021 reserves the right deciding final presentation type of each summitted abstract. While the Scientific Committee cannot guarantee that your preference will be selected, every effort will be made to accommodate your request.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the ISSP 2021 and reviewing results will be informed by emailing a notice to symposium organizers or presenting authors only between June 1-4, 2021➜Extended to June 11, 2021.
All information should be entered in final publication-ready form. The way you submit it is the way it will be shown in the program and the abstract online publication.
The Primary Author (first author/presenting author) MUST register ISSP 2021 Congress and present the abstract(s) in person during the Congress to ensure his or her accepted abstract(s) are included in the abstract publication and website. Deadline for the registration is July 5, 2021. Please note that register once only while the presenting author presents multiple abstracts.
The applicant must be the first author/presenting author of the submitted abstract; each applicant can submit more than one abstract.

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  • 会议日期





  • 05月31日 2021


  • 06月11日 2021

