The 5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2022) will be hosted by Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan, 4-6 June 2022. A tutorial will be given on Friday the 3rd of June 2022.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be hybrid. The keynote talks, the special invited sessions, the hybrid organized sessions, and the virtual sessions will be live-streamed for all the conference participants. Contributed speakers can choose in-person or virtual presentation, while invited speakers should coordinate their presentation mode with the session organizers. All the posters will be posted online, but in-person participants will be able to meet physically during the poster session.
The 3rd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, EcoSta 2019, has taken place at the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taiwan, 25-27 June 2019, and gathered about 660 participants. In 2020, EcoSta was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it was held online in 2021. The virtual EcoSta 2021 gathered about 450 participants.
This hybrid conference is co-organized by the Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics), the network of Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFENetwork), and the Ryukoku University.
The journals Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta) and Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (CSDA) and their special sections, the Annals of Computational and Financial Econometrics, and Annals of Statistical Data Science are the main sponsors. Selected peer-reviewed papers will be considered for publication in special or regular issues of the journals Econometrics and Statistics, and Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.
Monica Billio, Masayuki Hirukawa, Xinyuan Song, Toshiaki Watanabe.
EcoSta Editors
Ana Colubi, Erricos J. Kontoghiorghes, Manfred Deistler.
Scientific Program Committee
Manabu Asai, Eric Beutner, Jan Pablo Burgard, Stefano Castruccio, Cathy W.S. Chen, Andreas Christmann, Bertrand Clarke, Abdelaati Daouia, Fabrizio Durante, Takeshi Emura, James Flegal, Subir Ghosh, Michele Guindani, Alain Hecq, Scott Holan, Yen-Tsung Huang, Ci-Ren Jiang, Sungkyu Jung, MingHung Kao, Yata Kazuyoshi, Abbas Khalili, Donggyu Kim, Yuta Koike, Pavel Krupskiy, Degui Li, Wai-Keung Li, Yi Li, Yuanyuan Lin, Shujie Ma, Koichi Maekawa, Qing Mai, Tapabrata Maiti, Matthieu Marbac, Cristina Mollica, Ryo Okui, Hernando Ombao, Taesung Park, Igor Pruenster, Anuradha Roy, Etsuro Shioji, Mike K.P. So, Peter Song, John Stufken, Jianguo Sun, Anneleen Verhasselt, Linbo Wang, Yuedong Wang, Raymond Wong, Yingcun Xia, Philip Yu, Emma Jingfei Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Yi Zhao and Lixing Zhu、
Session Organizers
Toshihiro Abe, Jeongyoun Ahn, Pierre Alquier, Shuyang Bai, Veronica Ballerini, Soutir Bandyopadhyay, Zeyu Bian, Joshua Cape, Alessia Caponera, Stefano Castruccio, Stephen Chan, Kin Wai Chan, Ming-Chung Chang, Cathy W-S Chen, Ray-Bing Chen, Shuo Chen, Jeng-Min Chiou, Sy Han Chiou, Hyunkeun Cho, Andreas Christmann, Jeffrey Chu, Moo K Chung, Bertrand Clarke, CMStatistics, Andrea Cremaschi, Ivor Cribben, Yifan Cui, Sophie Dabo , Wenlin Dai, Abdelaati Daouia, Xinwei Deng, Marie du Roy de Chaumaray, Leo Duan, Fabrizio Durante, EcoSta, Takeshi Emura, Xiao Fang, James Flegal, Marina Friedrich, Aurora Gatto, Xin Guo, Yuanyuan Guo, Il Do Ha, Kei Hirose, Scott Holan, Seok Young Hong, Reka Howard, Su-Yun Huang, Lei Huang, Yen-Tsung Huang, Whitney Huang, Wen-Han Hwang, Hiroyoshi Iwata, Jeong Hoon Jang, Ci-Ren Jiang, Binyan Jiang, Xuejun Jiang, Moritz Jirak, Sungkyu Jung, Kazuhiko Kakamu, Sangwook Kang, MingHung Kao, Luke Keele, Jihyun Kim, Yang-Jin Kim, Namhyun Kim, Donggyu Kim, Soohun Kim, Yuta Koike, Pavel Krupskiy, Esra Kurum, Shiwei Lan, Kuang-Yao Lee, MinJae Lee, Kuo-Jung Lee, Christophe Ley, Degui Li, Yi Li, Jun Li, Cheng Li, Yisheng Li, Daoji Li, Wai-keung Li, Gen Li, Yao Li, Kendrick Li, Man Ho Ling, Qingfeng Liu, Yan Liu, Zudi Lu, Wei Luo, Shujie Ma, Matus Maciak, Qing Mai, Rogemar Mamon, Xiaojun Mao, Matthieu Marbac, Yuzo Maruyama, Yasumasa Matsuda, Estelle Medous, Caleb Miles, Cristina Mollica, Jeffrey Morris, Kaiji Motegi, Gourab Mukherjee, Rajarshi Mukherjee, Jouchi Nakajima, Long Nguyen, Yoshihiko Nishiyama, David Nott, Teppei Ogihara, Ryo Okui, Hernando Ombao, Taesung Park, Yeonhee Park, Seyoung Park, Alexander Petersen, Frederick Kin Hing Phoa, Eugen Pircalabelu, Artem Prokhorov, Yumou Qiu, Peter Radchenko, Anuradha Roy, Anne Ruiz-Gazen, Ida Scheel, Joern Schulz, Xu Shi, Lei Shi, Etsuro Shioji, Hiroshi Shiraishi, Ali Shojaie, Cy Sin, Rakhi Singh, Tony Sit, Yousri Slaoui, Alexandra Soberon, Xinyuan Song, Peter Song, Hyebin Song, Bharath Sriperumbudur, Ansgar Steland, John Stufken, Gilles Stupfler, Zhihua Su, Jianguo Sun, Li-Hsien Sun, Dayu Sun, Takeki Sunakawa, Elizabeth Sweeney, Yanlin Tang, Boxin Tang, Huei-Wen Teng, Christine Thomas-Agnan, Tiejun Tong, Minh-Ngoc Tran, Antoine Usseglio-Carleve, Jane-Ling Wang, Yuedong Wang, Guannan Wang, Xia Wang, Tianhao Wang, Lin Wang, Raymond Ka Wai Wong, Pipat Wongsa-art, Weichi Wu, Luo Xiao, Gongjun Xu, Yuhang Xu, Jason Xu, Steve Yadlowsky, Weixin Yao, Kazuyoshi Yata, Yiming Ying, Philip Yu, Peng Zeng, Emma Jingfei Zhang, Danna Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Yiying Zhang, Yichuan Zhao, Jiwei Zhao, Yunpeng Zhao, Yi Zhao, Sihai Zhao, Bingxin Zhao, Lixing Zhu, Hongxiao Zhu, Ziwei Zhu, Weixuan Zhu, Yan Zhuang and Thomas Zoerner