




Euro-Par is the prime European conference covering all aspects of parallel and distributed processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to applications, from architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation, to tools, support infrastructures, and application performance aspects. To provide a meeting point for researchers to discuss and exchange new ideas and hot topics related to parallel and distributed computing and their applications, Euro-Par 2023 will co-locate workshops and, for the first time, minisymposia with the main conference. This is an invitation to send proposals for the workshop and, for the first time, a minisymposium program. Both workshops and minisymposia will be held on August 28 - August 29, 2023, the first two days of the conference.



- Demetris Zeinalipour, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (dzeina-AT-ucy.ac.cy)

- Dora Blanco Heras, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (dora.blanco-AT-







Workshop Proposal Guidelines


The proposals should include the following information:

- Workshop title and acronym, preference for length (half or full-day)

- Information of the organizers, including a short biography of each organizer

(5-10 lines). Each workshop will have a single main organizer, the corresponding

contact. Others can be co-organizers. All the organizers must be a staff member

at an institution or a company, and no PhD or other students can be organizers.

- A tentative program committee (10-15 members)

- Motivation of the workshop:

* scientific objective

* interest to the Euro-Par community

* positioning with respect to the currently existing Euro-Par workshops

- Description of the workshop:

* content

* format (contributed papers, invited talks, panels, posters or any other kind of

activity including european project meetings)

* organizational aspects

- Workshop background (number of previous editions jointly with Europar or in any

other format)

- Link to international projects/initiatives


The decision about the acceptance/rejection of a workshop proposal will be made

on the basis of the overall quality of the proposal and the degree to which it matches

the scope of the conference. In the case that several workshop proposals have very

similar objectives and scopes, a merge of overlapping workshops may be

recommended. The topics covered by a workshop should not overlap with the main

topics of the conference. Decisions will be made on a rolling basis. Proposals can

already be sent, and the organizers may be notified before the notification deadline

in case of a strong proposal.


Workshop Organizer Responsibilities


- Preparing the call for papers for the workshop and publicizing it

- Preparing and maintaining the workshop Web site including the relevant sections

according to the organization guidelines

- Selecting the workshop program committee considering that each member of the

committee should make at least one review

- Selecting papers through a rigorous peer-review process including at least three

reviews per submission using the provided EasyChair installation and considering

the possible conflicts of interest

- Delivering the final workshop program to the Euro-Par 2020 conference co-chairs

in time

- Delivering the preliminary workshop proceedings in time before the conference

- Providing the Euro-Par Steering Committee with a Management Report, after the

conference, with key indicators such as: number of submitted and accepted papers,

program committee and review process management

- Delivering the final workshop proceedings with a revised version of the papers in

time after the conference in the required Springer LNCS format (12 pages max.) and

writing a preface to the workshop. Camera-ready papers will be published only if the

management report has been delivered

- Short papers can be accepted and presented at the workshop. However, to be

included in the formal Springer proceedings, the minimum length is of 10 pages per


- Registering for the conference

- Meet the deadlines according to the organization guidelines


Workshop Proceedings and Paper Review


The workshop proceedings will be published in a separate LNCS workshop volume

after the conference. The principal coordinator of each workshop will appear as

co-editor of the workshop volume. Registered workshop participants will receive

an electronic copy of the volume by email. All authors of accepted papers will be

requested to sign a Springer copyright form.


The Euro-Par organizers will provide an EasyChair setup for all Euro-Par 2020

workshops, and its use is mandatory to facilitate paper submissions, reviewing, and

collecting the camera-ready versions. The workshop papers will not be published in

the proceedings otherwise. Each workshop will be an independent track within the

Workshops' EasyChair installation, but it will be fully manageable by the respective

organizers. Papers of less than 10 pages will be considered as short papers that can

be presented at the conference but not published in the proceedings.


(Submission address and deadline at the end)





A minisymposium is a session of coordinated presentations for promoting

interdisciplinary communication on a topic of current interest and importance in

the field of parallel and distributed computing, ideally having potential application

in other domains. The length and program will be decided by the organizers;

half-day (three-hour) minisymposia are very welcome, longer is possible, not

exceeding one day (6 hours). The contributions to the minisymposia will not be

published in the proceedings.


Minisymposium Proposal Guidelines


The proposals should include the following information:

- Minisymposium title and acronym, preference for length (half or full-day)

- Information of the organizers (full name, affiliation, country and email address),

including a short biography of each organizer (5-10 lines). Each minisymposium

will have a single main organizer, the corresponding contact. Others can be


- Motivation and scope of the minisymposium:

* Problem area to be addressed by the speakers and possible applications

[max 1500 characters];

* Description of target audience and estimated number of participants

[max 1500 characters]

* Link to international projects/initiatives

- Format (contributed papers, invited talks, panels, posters or any other kind of

activity including European project meetings),

- Speakers:

* a tentative list of speakers detailing their names, affiliation, email address and title

of their presentations. Nominated speakers should be approached in advance and

should have agreed that they will participate.

* companies and/or institutions involved


Minisymposium Selection Process


All the submitted proposals will be assessed by the organizing committee. The

decision about the acceptance/rejection of a minisymposium proposal will be made

on the basis of the overall quality of the proposal and the degree to which it matches

the scope of the conference. Overlapping minisymposia will be avoided (or possibly

merged). Decisions will be made on a rolling basis. Proposals can already be sent,

and the organizers may be notified before the notification deadline.


Minisymposium Organizer Responsibilities


Minisymposium organizers will be in charge of making publicity of the

minisymposium and specify the number of talks and other activities. The

contributions will be sent to the same web page as the contributions for the

workshops. The review process will be decided by the minisymposium organizers.

One of the organizers will be the contact with the conference organization.

- Preparing the call for papers for the workshop and publicizing it

- Preparing and maintaining the minisymposium website mentioning the Euro-Par


- Deciding the length of the minisymposium, the program and type of activities and

the names of the speakers.

- Use the provided EasyChair installation for receiving the contributions

- Delivering the program to the Euro-Par 2023 conference co-chairs in time

- Providing the Euro-Par Steering Committee with a Management Report, after the

conference, summarizing the experience and including number of persons involved

in the activities as well as any consideration useful for future editions.

- Registering for the conference as well as all the participants to the minisymposium.

- Meet the deadlines according to the organization guidelines


Minisymposium publication


The contributions to the minisymposia will not be published in the proceedings.

However, the organizers are invited to send one non-compulsory 4-page summary

of the minisymposium. The document should summarize the scientific discussion

promoted by the minisymposium and it will be published in the same LNCS volume

as the workshop proceedings after the conference. The authors of the summary will

be requested to sign a Springer copyright form.


All topics related to Parallel and Distributed Computing


SUBMISSION (for Workshop and Minisymposium Organizers)


Workshop and Minisymposium proposals should be sent in PDF format via email to

the workshop co-chairs (contact details at the end of this call).


An email verification will be sent to each successful submission. In case the

verification is not received, submitters are asked to contact the workshop chairs.

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  • 会议日期





  • 02月10日 2023


  • 02月24日 2023


SEIT Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus
SEIT Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus