
International Conference Laser Optics takes place biennially in Saint Petersburg, Russia. This is a traditional scientific event in the field of laser physics, optics, and photonics. 21st International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO 2024) will take place on 1-5 July 2024 at the Moskovskiye Vorota Hotel - St. Petersburg https://www.hi-spb.com/en/

ICLO 2024 technical program includes plenary and parallel oral and poster sessions over five days. Distinguished plenary and invited speakers will present the state-of-the-art of laser physics, photonics and optical engineering.

Additionally, the Conference will host the 8th International A.M. Prokhorov Symposium on Biophotonics.

The scope of ICLO 2024:

  • Solid State Lasers
  • Semiconductor Lasers, Materials and Applications
  • Lasers and Systems for Imaging, Green Photonics and Sustainability
  • High-Power Lasers
  • Free Electron Lasers
  • Super-Intense Light Fields
  • Optical Nanomaterials
  • Quantum Optics
  • Nonlinear Photonics
  • Laser Beam Control
  • Lasers for Space Applications
  • Biomedical Applications

English will be the official language of the Conference.

For overseas speakers, ICLO 2024 will be held in a hybrid format. Last years, this format proved to be efficient in enabling both 'old-school' in-person meeting and participation of the individuals having travel restrictions.

Calendar / Deadlines

Start Online Paper Submission November 02, 2023

Closing Online Paper Submission January 29, 2024, midnight (23:59:59) Paris time 

Authors Notification via Email March 28, 2024

Postdeadline Submission Deadline April 18, 2024

Early Bird Registration & Payment Deadline April 25, 2024  


In 2022 ICLO attracted more than 800 presentations from 20 countries both in person and online. All submitted one-page PDF summaries meeting IEEE requirements were published in IEEE Xplore:


ICLO 2024 is organized by Fund for Laser Physics and supported by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers) of St. Petersburg.


Andrey A. Mak, Fund for laser physics, RussiaConference Chair

Grigorii S. Sokolovskii, Ioffe Institute, RussiaProgram Committee Chair

Richard M. De La Rue, University of Glasgow, UKProgram Committee Vice-Chair 

Anton V. Kovalev, ITMO University, RussiaPublication Chair

Olga V. Khapova, Fund for laser physics, RussiaConference Director

Anastasiya A. Mirzaeva, Vavilov State Optical Institute, RussiaSecretary

Evgenia D. Cherotchenko, Ioffe Institute, RussiaSecretary

Sergey N. Leonov, Dom Programm LLC, RussiaSecretary

Topical Committees

Solid State Lasers

I.A. Bufetov, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia
V.I. Kozlovsky, Lebedev Physical Inst. of RAS, Russia
I.I. Kuznetsov, Inst. of Applied Physics of RAS, Russia
B. Resan, FHNW, Switzerland

High Power Lasers: Fiber, Solid State, Gas and Hybrid

S.G. Garanin, Russian Federal Nuclear Center – The All-Russian Research Inst. of Experimental Physics, Russia
S.V. Garnov, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RASRussia
A.A. Ionin, Lebedev Physical Inst. of RASRussia
F.A. Starikov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center – The All-Russian Research Inst. of Experimental Physics, Russia

Semiconductor Lasers, Materials and Applications

R. Hogg, Aston Univ., UK
G.S. Sokolovskii, Ioffe Inst., Russia

Laser Beam Control

V.P. Lukin, Inst. of Atmospheric Optics of RAS, Russia
G. Vdovin, Delft Univ. of Technology, the Nedherlands
V.Yu. Venediktov, St.-Petersburg State Electrotechnical Univ., Russia

Super-Intense Light Fields and Ultra-Fast Processes

A.A. Andreev, St. Petersburg State Univ., Russia

M. Chen, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China

S. Kawata, Utsunomiya Univ.Japan

P. McKenna, Univ. of Strathclyde, UK

A.M. Sergeev, Inst. of Applied Physics of RAS, Russia

Lasers and Systems for Imaging, Green Photonics and Sustainability

P. Loza-Alvarez, ICFO, Spain
E.U. Rafailov, Aston Univ., UK

Free Electron Lasers

M. Kiskinova, FERMI Elettra-SincrotroneTrieste, Italy
V.L. Nosik, Shubnikov Inst. of Crystallography, Russia
N.A. Vinokurov, Budker Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Russia

Nonlinear Photonics: Fundamentals and Applications

A. Bednyakova, Novosibirsk State Univ.,  Russia

Ya. Kartashov, Inst. of Spectroscopy,  Russia

Yu.S. Kivshar, Australian National Univ., Australia; ITMO Univ., Russia

N.N. Rosanov, Vavilov State Optical Inst., Russia

Zhang Yiqi, Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.,  China

Optical Nanomaterials

V.G. Dubrovskii, St. Petersburg State Univ., Russia

F. Glas, CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay, France

Nonlinear Quantum Photonics

F.P. Laussy, Univ. of Wolverhampton, UK

Lasers for Satellite Ranging Systems, Space Geodesy, Space Communication and Global Navigation

V.V. Pasynkov, JSC RPC "PSI", Russia

N.M. Skornyakova, National Research Univ. MPEI, Russia

A.L. Sokolov, JSC RPC "PSI", Russia




Solid State Lasers

Ultrafast • Mid-IR • CW and pulsed • Compact sources • Emerging applications • Guided wave lasers • Fiber lasers (excluding high power) • Tunable lasers • Parametric amplifiers • Visible and UV lasers

High Power Lasers: Fiber, Solid State, Gas and Hybrid

Advances in high-power fiber, solid state, gas and hybrid lasers • High-power laser architectures including hybrid systems • Novel optical materials for high power applications and systems • Thermal and thermo-optical effects in lasers • High power multichannel laser systems • Fusion lasers and terawatt science • CO2/CO lasers • Iodine lasers • Chemical lasers • Excimer lasers • Alkali vapor lasers

Semiconductor Lasers, Materials and Applications

Quantum-well, wire, dash and dot lasers and devices • Laser dynamics • MID-IR and Quantum Cascade lasers • Ultrashort pulse lasers • VCSELs and superlattice structures • Semiconductor disk lasers • UV and visible diode lasers and LEDs • Compact THz sources and applications • Nonlinear phenomena • Silicon photonics • Group IV Photonics • Novel semiconductor-based devices and applications • Biophotonics and emerging applications

Laser Beam Control

Wavefront correction • Adaptive optics • Phase conjugation • Dynamic holography • Holographic optical elements • Laser cavities • Stabilization and control of laser beam direction • Laser imaging • Coherent and non-coherent summation of laser beams • Singular laser optics • Structured light • Optical limiting • Optical and laser elements based on nanostructured materials • Optics and electrooptics of liquid crystals

Super-Intense Light Fields and Ultra-Fast Processes

Generation of high-power, super short pulses • Problems of «Fast Ignition» for the ICF • Laser plasma X-ray sources • Fast particle generation and acceleration by laser pulses • Femtosecond laser technology and applications • Physics of ultrafast phenomena • Ultrafast devices and measurements

Lasers and Systems for Imaging, Green Photonics and Sustainability

Remote and point sensing, including water and food safety monitoring • Ground, air, and space-borne LIDARs for vegetation, greenhouse gasses, wind measurements • Vehicle, aircraft, and spacecraft safety, including guide-star systems • Solar energy harvesting • Photochemistry and photobiology • Novel plasmon based sensors and lab-on-chip devices • Single molecule imaging • Super resolution microscopy • Multimodal and multi-scale imaging • Hyperspectral imaging • Mesoscopic imaging • Adaptive optics-based imaging • Novel imaging systems, reconstruction and processing algorithms

Free Electron Lasers

X-ray and other free electron lasers (FELs) • theory of FEL radiation • Linear electron accelerators • Undulators • Optics at photon-beam transport systems • Electron- and photon-beam diagnostics • Photon detectors • Data acquisition systems • Experimental stations and science at FELs

Nonlinear Photonics: Fundamentals and Applications

Self-focusing, collapse, and applications • Conservative and dissipative optical spatial and spatio-temporal solitons • Nonlinear optics with structured light, optical vortices • Self-modulation and nonlinear temporal effects • Supercontinuum and frequency comb generation • High-harmonic generation • Nonlinear optics of few- and half-cycle pulses • Fiber optics and telecommunications • Nonlinear effects in multimode fibres • Machine learning • Nonlinear nanophotonics and plasmonics • Nonlinear meta-optics and metamaterials • Nonlinear optical devices, including microresonators, waveguides, and PT-symmetric systems • Nonlinear optomechanics • Nonlinear optics of low-dimensional materials • Nonlinear topological photonics • Topological lasers • Nonlinear photonics with surfaces and interfaces • Nonlinear polaritonics • Nonlinear THz optics

Optical Nanomaterials

Modeling of nanostructures • Advanced methods of nanostructure synthesis • One-dimensional growth of semiconductor nanowires • Wide band gap nanostructures • Epitaxial quantum dots and related structures • Nanostructures for single photon devices • Nanostructures for THz radiation • Nanostructures for solar cells • Microcavities and photonic crystals • Hybrid nanostructures with pre-defined properties

Nonlinear Quantum Photonics

Chip- and fiber-based nonlinear optics, frequency mixing processes, nonlinear dynamics, supercontinuum generation •Novel materials for optical gain and frequency conversion • Optical storage and quantum memories • Cavity quantum electrodynamics • Waveguide quantum electrodynamics • Single-photon lasers • Generation and control of entanglement and non-classical states of light • Quantum imaging and quantum metrology • Ultrafast phenomena, ultrafast measurements • Frequency combs and optical clocks • Single-photon nonlinear optics • Multiphoton physics • Quantum computing and communication • Integrated optical resonators & applications • Raman and Brillouin Scattering & applications • Multimode integrated and fiber-based devices and systems • Applications of artificial intelligence in nonlinear photonics • Machine learning in integrated and/or fiber-based systems

Lasers for Satellite Ranging Systems, Space Geodesy, Space Communication and Global Navigation

Advanced picosecond lasers for satellite laser ranging • High power solid-state lasers for space junk monitoring • Atmospheric effects on laser ranging • Laser ranging retroreflector systems • Single-electron photodetectors • Lasers for space communication and cryptography systems • Time transfer via one-way laser ranging

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  • 会议日期





  • 01月18日 2024


  • 07月05日 2024


IEEE Photonics Society
The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Saint Petersburg