
The 13th IEEE Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT) conference will be held January 20-21, 2025 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Charlotte Uptown, Charlotte, NC.

EESAT has been the premier technical forum for presenting advances in energy storage technologies and applications since 2000. This forum is sponsored by the IEEE Energy Storage and Stationary Battery (ESSB) Committee, under the IEEE Power and Energy Society, with continuing support from the DOE Office of Electricity and the national laboratories.

The technical program will highlight advances in electricity storage technologies including new battery chemistries, such as flow, sodium, zinc, and other battery designs, flywheels, hydrogen storage, PS, CASE, and novel approaches such as demand response as storage programs. At the same time, the forum will highlight advances in power conversion systems that make grid scale as well as distributed/renewable energy storage more efficient and effective; promote advances in energy management and device management systems that maximize value while enabling safe and reliable operation; and finally, discuss advances in markets, standards, and policy that unlock energy storage as a critical enabler of the energy transition. This conference aims to foster a multi-discipline, systems oriented, collaborative environment for energy storage researchers and professionals engaged in the technical aspects of energy storage to share ideas and find collaborative ways to solve big problems together. We cultivated a community of practice around energy storage research that cuts across the boundaries that normally divide technical societies and journals.




The IEEE PES Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT 2025) conference will be held on January 20-21, 2025, at the Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown in Charlotte, North Carolina. This technical conference will be co-located with the IEEE Energy Storage and Stationary Battery (ESSB) Committee’s winter meeting to be held January 22-24, 2025.

The Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT) conference is the premier technical forum for presenting advances in energy storage technologies and applications since 2001. This forum is organized by the IEEE ESSB Committee, a part of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES). We are sponsored by PES with additional support from the Department of Energy Office of Electricity and Sandia National Laboratories.

The program covers all aspects of energy storage technologies and systems from molecules to megawatts. This year we will be highlighting the technology gaps that need to be filled to make widespread energy storage use a sustainable reality to enable a renewable energy transition. Abstracts and papers with broad scope on long duration energy storage and understanding degradation in energy storage systems, particularly in real-world applications, are welcome in addition to other works addressing the energy storage supply chain.

The technical committee welcomes papers on novel storage technologies. Examples in this tract include expanding lithium and other intercalation topologies, flow battery designs, other zinc derivatives, as well as flywheels, green hydrogen as energy storage, pumped storage, and compressed air energy storage (CAES). We also welcome papers on advances in power conversion systems for energy storage including novel materials, architectures, control systems, and applications. Novel approaches to energy storage such as demand response, long duration, second-use battery pros and cons will also be considered. At the same time, the forum highlights advances in energy management and device management systems that maximize lifetime of systems while enabling safe and reliable operation and, advances in markets, standards, and policy that unlock energy storage as a critical enabler of the clean energy transition.

Accepted papers will be presented in one of three formats: short presentation, long presentation, and focused session presentation. Exact presentation lengths will be determined based on the total number of papers accepted.

This conference aims to foster a multi-discipline, systems oriented, collaborative environment for energy storage researchers and professionals engaged in the technical aspects of energy storage to share ideas and find collaborative ways to solve big problems together. We will cultivate a community of practice around energy storage research that cuts across the boundaries that normally divide technical societies and journals. EESAT seeks to address all aspects of the storage of electrical energy including the technology itself and how it is used in the real world to solve problems, improve grid resilience, and make the grid a cleaner and more efficient system.

The Conference Organizing Committee invites researchers and practitioners to submit papers for review and possible presentation.

The conference scope covers the following general topics:

  • Long Duration ES

Hydrogen, flow batteries, and beyond

Predictions of energy storage needs in high-renewable penetration grids

Assessment of resource availability and synergies between technologies

Technology advancements, economic predictions, future grid impacts

Flow batteries

Green hydrogen production and use

  • Energy Storage System Degradation

Real-world applications and/or comparisons to laboratory studies

Implications of degradation on technoeconomic analyses and ES management systems

Analysis of full ES lifecycles including end-of-life

  • Markets, Standards, and Policy

New market structures that better utilize storage

Impacts of state/national/international policy on storage

Impacts of new industry standards on safety, interoperability, and integration

Expansion planning with energy storage

Case studies

  • Energy Storage Applications, some examples include:

Interactions with the transportation sector

Vehicle-to-grid applications

Market structures, infrastructure, and incentives

Resource availability and alternatives

Second life battery applications and management

Market applications

Energy market participation models

Ancillary service market participation models

Energy Equity and Environmental Justice Applications

Expanding access to electricity

Peaker plant replacement

Resilience Applications

Special use during natural disasters

Black-start and service restoration

Microgrid and novel UPS for critical infrastructure

Grid stability, e.g.:

primary frequency response and,

small signal stability

  • Energy Storage and Device Management Systems

Optimal control systems

Integration with renewable DER

Device aggregation and coordination

Advanced battery management

  • Power Conversion Systems for Storage

Advanced PE materials

New PE architectures

Advance power conversion control

Power quality applications of energy storage

Artificial inertia and virtual oscillator control

  • Energy Storage Technologies, some examples include:


Lithium batteries

Lead acid batteries

Sodium batteries

  • Mechanical

Compressed air

Pumped hydro



  • Thermal

Molten salt


Integration with existing power plants

  • Electrical


Abstract Submission

Abstracts for papers must be received by May 31, 2024 (no later than 11:59 PM Eastern) via the abstract submission portal, which will be available on the EESAT website. They must be no longer than 1000 characters and should not include any acronyms without definition.

Confirmation emails are provided for abstracts that have been successfully submitted. Confirmation of received proposals does not mean they have been accepted to be a part of the program.

Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by June 30, 2024. Abstract acceptance does not guarantee paper acceptance as papers must still pass peer review.

Paper Submission and Peer Review

Papers will be limited to five pages in length (including references) and must follow IEEE conference paper and citation guidelines in accordance with the PES Author’s Kit. Complete manuscripts, prepared for single blind review, must be submitted by September 6, 2024 (no later than 11:59 PM Eastern) via the document submission portal, which will be available on the EESAT website.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The paper must be in the proper conference paper format.
  • The paper must adhere to the 5-page limit (including references).
  • The paper must meet at least one of the following criteria:
    • Be of interest to EESAT participants and industry stakeholders.
    • Present new methods or novel application of existing methods, analysis or experimentation.
    • Present improvements in and/or new process, design, or technology.
    • Discuss and provide fresh thoughts on the effects of evolving public and environmental policies on the technologies we address and operate.
  • Must clearly express the paper’s major contribution.
  • Be written in clear and understandable English language.

Authors will be provided feedback on their paper by October 4, 2024. Authors will be offered either a general presentation or focused session presentation format. In general, with an accepted abstract, it is our expectation that all papers will meet the acceptance criteria. In rare cases, a paper will be rejected for one of the following reasons.

Reasons for Rejection

  • Plagiarize or regurgitate old and well-proven thoughts.
  • Have copied others’ ideas without proper acknowledgment.
  • Are written exposing the same or similar ideas or represent only a minor variant of a previous publication.
  • Contain gross errors; are poorly written, or written in an obscure manner.
  • Commercial intent. (The paper should focus on the technical merit of the technology, process, or ideas, and should not be overtly commercial or read like a sales brochure for the specific product, make or model types, or services offered.)

Paper Publication

Presented papers will be published in the Conference Record and submitted to IEEE Xplore®, the world’s largest on-line technical library. Papers with exceptional impact will be encouraged to submit their work to the appropriate PES technical publication.

Technical publications of the IEEE Power & Energy Society include the following:

  • IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy
  • IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (T-EC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation (T-EMPR)
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (T-PWRD)
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (T-PWRS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (T-SG)
  • IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (T-STE)
  • Special Publications
  • Proceedings of PES General Meetings and special Technical Conferences
  • IEEE Power & Energy Magazine (P&E)
  • IEEE Electrification Magazine

Papers that are not presented at the workshop will not be published in the Conference Record, IEEE Xplore®, or be eligible for further publication.

IEEE Copyright

After notice of acceptance, authors are required to complete and submit an IEEE copyright form and verify the paper is original and not previously published.

Conference Registration and Accommodation

Embassy Suites by Hilton Charlotte Uptown, Charlotte, NC. Additional information on hotel and conference registration will be available in the coming months.

Additional Resources

Author Registration

IEEE does not waive conference registration for authors and speakers. Authors must register as attendees.

Non-Commercialism Policy

IEEE EESAT provides an open, respectful, and professional forum that facilitates the exchange of technical information independent of commercial issues. Details of this policy are on the website.

IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment and bullying. For more information, visit www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html.

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  • 会议日期





  • 03月30日 2024


  • 01月21日 2025


IEEE Power & Energy Society