
Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to present your most exciting nanomaterials-related research at the #IEEENAP Conference!  

The 2024 IEEE 14th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” will be held at the Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel on Sept. 8-13, 2024, in Riga, Latvia. 

The Conference is organized through a partnership between the IEEE Nanotechnology Council and the University of Latvia, and technical support from the Latvian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Electronics and Computer Sciences and Sumy State University, with endorsements and support from the IEEE Magnetics Society.

The prime focus of the IEEE NAP-2024 is on nanoscale materials with emphasis on interdisciplinary research exploring and exploiting their unique physical and chemical proprieties for practical applications. Although nanoscience and nanotechnology are still in their infancy, this rapidly evolving field of research is quickly transforming almost all aspects of our everyday life. From the low power electronics and supercomputers to advanced drugs and personalized medicine, from new industrial applications and renewable energy to advanced transportation and clean air technologies, nanoscience is the foundation of many transformational discoveries in the decades to come.

Our goal is to bring together a broad international community of scientists, engineers, and educators who are already involved in defining a future where the understanding and controlling matter at the nanoscale will ultimately lead to revolutionary technological and industrial advances. Our attendees are leading international experts from industry and academia – chemists, physicists, materials scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Thus, it is not surprising that the NAP conferences traditionally attract many local and international Ph.D. students and early career professionals. Similar to the past NAP Conferences, the conference proceeding manuscripts (4+ printed pages) will be peer-reviewed by independent reviewers and evaluated by the Organizing Committee. The papers of good technical quality containing exciting and novel (unpublished) results on one or more topics of the Conference will be recommended for publication in the IEEE Digital Xplorer Library, indexed by the Scopus (IEEE will make the final decision).

The #IEEENAP Organizing Committee is looking forward to meeting you in Riga!

Tracks & Topics

1. Nanomaterials Synthesis

This track solicits experimental and theoretical works on synthesis and self-assembly of 1D, 2D, and 3D nanostructures. One example is nanoelectronic materials, particularly nanocrystals and nanowires, where it is possible to realize unique functionality by engineering the dimensionality of the building blocks. Another area of interest for this section deals with composite materials, such as metal-, carbon-, ceramic- and polymer-based nanocomposites, and polymeric materials, including nanoparticles, nanospheres, and nanocapsules that offer an excellent surface to volume ratio and can be combined with inorganic materials to offer even greater functionality due to responsiveness to external stimuli (pH, temperature, light, electric or magnetic fields). Last but not least, this part also encompasses carbon-based nanostructures such as fullerenes, graphene, and carbon nanotubes, which remain at the forefront of research due to the unique spectrum of properties they can offer. While the main focus of this track is the preparation techniques, structure, and properties, the works primarily dealing with practical applications should be submitted to more specialized Tracks (e.g., “nanomedicine,” “photonics,” and “energy”), when appropriate.

Main Topics:
– Novel routes for the synthesis and self-assembly of “building blocks”;
– Size-, shape- and composition-dependent properties;
– Block copolymers, interfacial science and morphology control;
– Nanocomposites and nanohybrids, micro- and nano-encapsulation;
– Carbon -based fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene and its derivatives, graphene oxide, nanodiamonds, quantum dots;
– 2D transition metal carbides/nitrides: MXenes.

2. Electrochemistry of Nanomaterials

Electrochemistry Track is focused on the fundamental and applied studies of charge and mass transport phenomena at the electrochemically active interfaces. The involved effects are seldom well understood by analyzing them from the macroscale and, as such, require advanced nanoscale characterization. For example, surface nanotexturing affects the properties of bulk functional materials ranging from biologically-oriented induction of tissue-implant behavior in the metallic biomaterials to corrosion performance of novel alloys and compounds. Of particular interest are contributions devoted to improving our understanding of the intimate link between the surface nanostructure and the properties of the electrochemical interface. 

Main Topics: 
– Electrochemical processes at a nanoscale;
– Nanomaterials and nanodevices for electrochemical sensing;
– Synthesis and characterization of electrocatalytic electrodes;
– Electrochemical surface modification and corrosion mechanisms; 
– Photoelectrochemistry of nanomaterials; 
– Electrochemical phenomena at the nanobio hybrids and interfaces.

3. Multifunctional Thin Films & Coatings

This track is devoted to the most recent advances in chemical and physical methods for thin film deposition, surface engineering, including ion- and plasma-assisted processes, focusing on the understanding of synthesis/processing-structure-properties relationship for a variety of thin film systems.

Main Topics:
– Advances in deposition techniques;
– Thin film growth & epitaxy: theory & experiments;
– New materials in thin film form: diamond-like films, granular alloys, high entropy alloys, oxynitrides, intermetallic compounds;
– Hard, wear-, oxidation-resistant and multifunctional coatings;
– Advances in nanomaterials and surface characterization tools and techniques;
– Electroless deposition;
-Electrochemical (electrolytic plasma processing, plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition, plasma electrolytic oxidation) deposition;
– Industrial applications.

4. Nanoscale Characterization & Imaging

The Track is devoted to consideration of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases, including solid–liquid interfaces, solid–gas interfaces, solid–vacuum interfaces, and liquid–gas interfaces. Both experimental and theoretical work, including modeling, is within the scope of the track. It welcomes a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to:

Main Topics:
– Nanoscale science and engineering, including manipulation of matter at the atomic/molecular scale and assembly phenomena;
– Interactions at surfaces of soft matter, including polymers and biomaterials;
– Electrochemistry at surfaces and interfaces;
– Optical, scanning probe, X-ray, ion- and electron microscopy;
– Semiconductors – surface and interface;
– Electromigration in nanocontacts.

5. Nanophotonics

This track is devoted to optical properties of nanomaterials, including nanophotonics, the area of research that is focused on understanding of light interaction with nanoscale materials. While in classical optics the diffraction limit prevents one from being able to manipulate light at sub-wavelength scales, in the nanophotonics this can be achieved by coupling to propagating and localizing surface plasmons, using nanoscale antennas and apertures, as well as exploiting the interplay between the far- and near-fields in scanning probe microscopes and optical tweezers. Of special interest are nanomaterials-enables detectors and imaging systems, operating from X-rays and UV-VIS, to THz and RF waves.

Main Topics:
– Plasmonic structures and quantum dots;
– Nanophotonics and optical manipulation;
– Spectroscopic studies of nanoscale materials;
– Molecular energy transfer and light harvesting;
– Photonic and optoelectronic materials and devices;
– Photodetectors, sensors and imaging;
– Microwave optics and devices, including superconducting and single photon detectors;
– Quantum information science.

6. Transport Properties in Nanoscale Systems

Central to the understanding of the properties of nanoscale structures is the understanding of the transport phenomena relevant to systems of nanoscale dimensions. This track focuses on:
– Molecular scale electronics;
– Transport properties in 2D materials;
– Nanocircuitry and nanowires;- Heterostructures and quantum wells.

7. Nanomagnetism & Magnetic Materials

This track is focused on a variety of magnetic nanomaterials and phenomena, with emphasis on geometric confinement, lateral and interfacial proximity, spin-dependent transport and other spin-related effects in magnetically ordered metallic, semiconducting and dielectric systems and their heterostructures, as well as on spin dynamics, ranging from the femtosecond regime, where elementary magnetic quantum processes are important, to the sub-nanosecond regime typical for magnetization reversal and spin-waves excitation. Contributions on novel magnetic materials and nanodevices are also welcomed.

Main Topics:
– Magnetic nanoparticles, nanowires, thin films and patterned nanostructures;
– Magnetization reversal, domain structure, spin vortices and skyrmions;
– Spin waves and magnonics;
– Spin currents: generation, manipulation and transport;
– Spintronics: memories, field sensors, logic and spin-based devices;
– Nanocrystalline and amorphous magnetic materials;
– Magnetic anisotropy and recording media;
– Heusler alloys, magnetocaloric and magneto-optical materials.

8. Superconductivity in Nanoscale & Mesoscopic Systems

This Track covers the latest aspects of superconductivity study encompassing its fundamental understanding, basic properties, synthesis and fabrication routes, device methods, first-principles calculations, and other related topics. Potential topics include but are not limited to:
– Superconducting thin films and patterned structures;
– Hybrid systems, proximity size-dependent effects;
– Imaging and vortex dynamics;
– Josephson effect, nanoSQUIDs, and superconducting electronics;
– Superconducting detectors and nanosensors.

9. Nanosensors, Nanodevices & Applications

This subsection calls for contributions related to nanosensors that measure physical and biochemical quantities and convert these to electrical signals that can be detected and analyzed. Nanoscale devices that are by definition miniature in size, energy-efficient and highly sensitive devices find their application in various fields, including, but not limited to, chemical, environmental, and healthcare industries.

Main Topics:
– Micro/nano electromechanical systems and sensors;
– Piezoelectric sensors;
– Field-effect transistors;
– Plasmonic and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy nanosensors;
– Magnetoelectronic or spintronic nanodevices;
– RF, microwave, IR, UV-VIS and X-ray sensors and single photon detectors.

10. Nanomaterials for Energy & Environment

Energy conversion, storage and transport processes inherently occur at the nanoscale and at interfaces and surfaces abundant in nanomaterials. Indeed, nanostructured materials often demonstrate favorable transport and physical properties, as well as confinement effects with large surface to volume ratios, and thus are of great interest for energy-related applications such as solar cells, catalysts, thermoelectrics, lithium ion batteries, supercapacitors, and hydrogen storage systems.

Main Topics:
– Nanomaterials for solar-to-electric energy conversion;
– Hydrogen and fuels cells;
– Energy storage and generation;
– Bio-inspired energy materials;
– Nanomaterials for environment protection and remediation; CO reduction;
– Nanotech for water technologies.

11. Nanobiomedical Research & Applications

The nanotechnology revolution offers novel approaches to address the major problems in modern medicine, leading to the emergence of nanomedicine as a new paradigm for diagnosis, and therapy. This track’s focus includes nano/bio interfacing, nanodevices and biosensors, bioassay labeling, nanoparticles-enabled hyperthermia, targeted drug delivery, toxicity of nanomaterials, imaging and other life-sciences-relevant technologies.

Main Topics:
– Nanoparticles-based platforms for cancer diagnostics, imaging and treatment;
– Nanoparticles manipulation, microfluidics and lab-on-chip technologies;
– Nanodevices and sensors for bio/nanomedicine;
– Bio-nanomaterials and tissue engineering;
– DNA nanotechnology;
– Nanotoxicity.

12. Ultrashort laser-matter Interactions & Materials Processing

This sub-committee seeks original submissions in the general area of light-matter interactions, with an emphasis on strongly driven processes leading to generation and modification of materials in all forms (solids, soft-materials, liquids, gases, particles) over all temporal (continuous-wave to attosecond) and spatial (macro-, meso-, nano-) scales. 

Main Topics:
– Fundamentals of light-matter interactions in non-perturbative regimes, including energy-particle coupling dynamics and relaxation processes;
– Laser-based 2D or 3D micro- and nano-fabrication, including ablation, cutting, welding, transfer and periodic surface structures;
– Laser processing of soft matter, including biological materials, polymers and colloids;
– Laser synthesis of materials, including ablation, pulsed laser deposition, crystallization, hyperdoping and defect generation in bulk and on surfaces;
– Laser generation of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials in various environments, including but not limited to vacuum, gas and liquid environments;
– Laser additive manufacturing: principles, characterization and applications;
– Light-matter interactions, nonlinear and non-perturbative physics enabled by micro- and nanostructures;
– Laser material processing with spatially and temporally structured light, including vector beams, non-diffractive beams, optical vortices, accelerating beams and pulse shaping;
– Laser-based diagnostics for materials processing, including LIBS and laser-induced secondary radiation (e.g., x-ray and high-harmonic generation in condensed matter);
– Laser-induced secondary particle generation, laser-particle interactions and their applications;
– Plasmon-assisted photochemical and photothermal effects and their applications in photocatalysis, nano-chemistry, nano-fabrication, sensing and energy;
– Optical manipulation of matter and light-controlled self-assembly.

13. Theory & Modeling

Functional Nano-scale structures frequently involve quite dissimilar materials which are difficult to characterize experimentally and ultimately be assembled, controlled, and utilized by manipulating quantities at the macro-scale a combination of features which puts unprecedented demands on theory, modelling and simulation

Main Topics:
– First-principles methods;
– Non-equilibrium thermodynamics;
– Multiscale methods for charge/heat transport in nano- and mesoscale systems;
– Atomistic quantum transport simulations;
– Simulation of organic semiconductor devices;
– Assembly operations using molecular manipulators;
– Software for modelling of nanomaterials;
– Mechanics of nanomaterials;
– Microstructure-based models and dislocation analysis;
– Quantum mechanics for modelling of nanomaterials.

14. Interdisciplinary & Miscellaneous Topics

This track solicits contributions on nanoscience- and nanotechnology-related topics that are not explicitly covered in other Tracks. Some typical examples include, but not limited to:
– Quantum computing;
– Nano- and micro-fabrication techniques;
– Thermal transport and heat exchange at nanoscale;
– Experiments at extreme environments (low/high temperatures, high vacuum or high pressures);
– Ethical, and societal issues in nanotechnology;
– Nanotech business and intellectual property aspects;
– National innovation policies and the globalization of nanotechnology.



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  • 会议日期





  • 04月15日 2024


  • 09月13日 2024


IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Institute of Electronics and Computer Science
Sumy State University
University of Latvia