Future mobile communication systems aim at providing very high-rate data transmission, even under high speed scenarios such as high speed trains and highway vehicles. In such high mobility scenarios, there exist a number of communication challenges, i.e., fast handover, location update, rapidly time-varying channel modeling, estimation and equalization, anti-Doppler spread techniques, coding and network capacity, capacity-approaching techniques, dedicated network architectures, etc. Since the signal transmission under high speed scenarios will inevitably experience serious deterioration, it is imperative to develop key broadband mobile communication techniques for such scenarios. To deal with the challenges, the Second International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications (HMWC'2013) will be held at Shanghai, China, the largest City in China on November 1-3, 2013. The aim of the workshop is to foster fruitful interactions among communication engineers, information theorists, and system designers interested in high mobility wireless communications, from all over the world. HMWC2013 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Vehicular Technology.
2017年06月04日 澳大利亚 Sydney
2017 第六届高移动性无线通信国际研讨会2014年11月01日 中国 北京市