The Gordon Conference on Electron Distribution and Chemical Bonding is typically devoted to discussion on the nature of chemical interactions by studying the electron density distribution of molecules or solids. This attracts contributions from various fields, ranging from quantum chemistry and theoretical physics to experimental crystallography, materials chemistry and solid state physics.
The frontiers of this scientific area are addressed by putting the focus on the exploration of new types of chemical bonding/interactions and the identification of the control parameters providing the basis for a rational materials/drug design. Accordingly, the topics also enclose recent and future innovative concepts such as state-of-the-art charge density studies at "non-standard conditions" (high pressure, electric field, etc.) or novel techniques to explore photochemical or ultrafast processes. Another focus lies on the challenge to perform charge density studies at subatomic resolution. Here, the conference attributes to the dramatic instrumental achievements in pushing the resolution limits to meet the requirements for the study of core polarization effects.