Professor Ahmet Kondoz joined the University of Surrey as a PhD student in October 1984 and completed his PhD in 1987. From 1986 to 1988, he was employed as a research fellow in the communication systems research group. He became a lecturer in 1988, reader in 1995, and in 1996 he was promoted to professor in multimedia communication systems. Currently, he is the founding head of I-LAB, a multi-disciplinary multimedia communication systems research lab, housing more than 35 post-doctoral researchers and PhD students at the University of Surrey.
His research interests are in the areas of digital signal processing and coding, fixed and mobile multimedia communication systems, error resilient media transmission, human computer interaction, and measurement of Quality of Experience (QoE) in the new 3D immersive media applications for the future Internet systems. He has over 450 publications, including three books, several book chapters, and nine patents. He has graduated more than 65 PhD students in the areas of fixed and mobile multimedia communication systems. He has been a consultant for major wireless media terminal manufacturers and has been acting as an advisor for various international governmental departments and research councils.
Professor Kondoz has been involved with several European Commission FP6 & FP7 research and development projects, such as NEWCOM, e-SENSE, SUIT, VISNET, MUSCADE etc. involving leading universities, research institutes and industrial organisations across Europe. Recently, he coordinated FP6 VISNET II NoE, and currently he is the coordinating chairman of FP7 DIOMEDES STREP and ROMEO IP projects with more than 30M?research budgets, involving many leading organisations across Europe which deal with the hybrid delivery of high quality 3D immersive media to remote collaborating users including those with mobile terminals. He co-chaired the European networked media advisory task force, and contributed to the Future Media and 3D Internet activities to support the European Commission in the FP7 programmes. He has been awarded several prizes, the most significant of which are the Royal Television Societies’ Communications Innovation Award and the IEE Benefactors Premium Award.
Professor Kondoz has been involved in ETSI, ITU, 3GPP, DVB, INMARSAT, NATO standardisations and various European technology platforms. He is the managing director of MulSys Ltd., which is a University of Surrey spin-off company specialised in multimedia communication technologies, and currently involved in several international research and development programmes, including two large EU-wide projects.