The International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2013) is Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE Toronto Section. The i-Society 2013 is a global knowledge-enriched collaborative effort that has its roots from both academia and industry. The conference covers a wide spectrum of topics that relate to information society, which includes technical and non-technical research areas. The mission of i-Society 2013 conference is to provide opportunities for collaboration of professionals and researchers to share existing and generate new knowledge in the field of information society. The conference encapsulates the concept of interdisciplinary science that studies the societal and technological dimensions of knowledge evolution in digital society. The i-Society bridges the gap between academia and industry with regards to research collaboration and awareness of current development in secure information management in the digital society.
2017年07月17日 爱尔兰 Dublin
2017年信息社会国际会议2016年10月10日 爱尔兰 Dublin, Ireland
2016 International Conference on Information Society2015年11月09日 英国
2015年国际信息学会会议2014年11月10日 英国
2014信息社会国际会议2013年06月24日 加拿大