CNSM which is Supported by IFIP, Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, and In-cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM, is the premier annual conference in the general area of network and services management. It provides an excellent forum for presenting and discussing the latest innovations, results, and developments in managing networks, pervasive systems, enterprise, and cloud environments. It is organized in a single track, highly- selective conference format attended by foremost experts in this area from academia, industry, and government. In addition to the main conference, the program also will include several workshops for focused discussions. Network and service management is a broad area ranging from management of body area networks and sensor systems to large scale enterprise and cloud environments and addressing issues that range from fault management and resilience to performance optimization, self-management, visualization and multimedia. For information about recent CNSM conferences, see CNSM 2012, CNSM 2011 and CNSM 2010.
2016年10月31日 加拿大 Montreal,Canada
第12届网络和服务管理国际会议2015年11月09日 西班牙