IWWISS 2014 is intended to foster the dissemination of research in at least one of the 3 areas:
-Web intelligence: Web of Things/Internet of Things, Crowdsourcing, Collective Intelligence, Semantic Modelling and Annotations of Sensor Data, Semantic Sensor Web, Mashup technologies for the Semantic Sensor Web, Natural Interfaces, Ambient Intelligence, Social Computing, Situation-Awareness, Context, Analysis of Streaming Sensor Data, Knowledge discovery, Machine learning, Agent-based systems, Services, Security, Norms.
-Smart sensing: Sensing Devices, Compressive Sensing, Communication Protocols for Smart Sensing, Dependability of Smart Sensing Systems Virtualization of Sensing Systems, Middleware for Smart Sensing, Sensor Data Fusion, Sensor Device/Data Interoperability, Smart Sensing Applications, Participatory Sensing, Urban Sensing, Large Scale Data Collection, Prototypes/Testbeds/Field Studies of Smart Sensing Systems, Performance Evaluations of Smart Sensing Systems, etc.
-Applications combining smart sensing and web intelligence techniques, evaluations.