E-Voting.CC is the result of a continuous academic exchange on electronic voting. The origin is an academic network, which has been founded by Robert Krimmer, to realize the idea of Internet voting. This idea manifested the first international conference on electronic voting in 2004. Because of the tremendous positive feedback, the follow-up conference in 2006 started the most successful and important conference series on electronic voting in Europe, the EVOTE. The EVOTE conference clearly indicated the need for independent expertise regarding e-voting and new voting technologies. These demands led to the foundation of the competence center for electronic voting and participation. The competence center quickly established itself as the expert organization for electronic voting processes and had a significant impact on the development and implementation of the first Internet voting project in Austria in 2009. Today, E-Voting.CC GmbH is building on its heritage to provide you innovative and reliable consulting service for the modernization of voting processes and new voting technologies. Our roots in Internet voting required a holistic and collaborative approach to voting processes and technologies. Therefore, E-Voting.CC has profound competence in the analysis, modeling and optimization of the entire voting process. The 6th international conference on electronic voting brings together experts from academia, administration, government as well as business to discuss latest trends and developments at Castle Hofen. The conference is known for its interdisciplinary and open dialogue between all stakeholders of e-voting.