The fifth International CITALA conference will be held in the Faculty of Sciences, Oujda, Morocco, in November 2014. CITALA is the only regular event on Arabic Language Processing in the Maghreb region. After the success of the above four editions of the colloquium (JETALA’06, CITALA’07, CITALA’09 and CITALA’12), University Mohammed First, the Institute for Studies and Research on Arabization (IERA) and the Center Of Human and Social Studies and Researches in Oujda (CERHSO) are organizing the fifth edition of the International Conference on Arabic Language Processing (CITALA’14). The aim of this Conference is to gather studies, achievements and experiences from scholars working on Arabic language processing in order to map the progress made in this field. A special session will also be organized to enable resource mobilization and identification of partnerships for future collaborative participatory project cooperation. High level partner institutions will be invited to network with participants.