Ensemble learning attempts to enhance the performance of systems (clustering, classification, prediction, feature selection, search, optimization, rule extraction, etc.) by using multiple models instead of using a single model. This approach is intuitively meaningful as a single model may not always be the best for solving a complex problem while multiple models are more likely to yield results better than each of the constituent models. Although in the past, ensemble methods have been mainly studied in the context of classification and time series prediction, recently they are being used in algorithms in other scenarios such as clustering, fuzzy systems, evolutionary algorithms, dimensionality reduction and so on. The aim of this symposium is to bring together researchers and practitioners who are working in the overlapping fields of ensemble methods and computational intelligence. Papers dealing with theory, algorithms, analysis, and applications of ensemble of computational intelligence methods are sought for this symposium.
2016年12月06日 希腊 Athens,Greece
2016年IEEE计算智能和集成学习研讨会2015年12月07日 南非