The Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR) conferences, held every two years, represent a series of international forums organized and sponsored to bring together worldwide expertise related to reactor physics, nuclear reactor research and analysis and related topical areas. PHYSOR 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, will be a venue focused on both modeling/simulation & experimental aspects of reactor physics and exploration of common aspects & requirements of the two focus areas. The meeting will also include plenary discussions, technical tours, workshops, and sessions in other topics relevant to the physics of nuclear reactor systems.
Sun Valley is a resort city tucked within the mountains of south central Idaho, near the city of Ketchum. It sits at the edge of the Sawtooth and Challis National Forests, with the Big Wood River, a fisherman’s dream, running through the Wood River Valley. Tourists from around the world enjoy its skiing, hiking, ice skating, trail riding, tennis, and cycling. The elevation of Sun Valley Lodge is 5920 feet (1804 m) above sea level.
Sun Valley is a prominent year-round resort, with economic and environmental sustainability, successful regional partnerships, social and cultural richness, and a unique character and quality of life. Sun Valley enjoys a pleasant mountain desert climate with an average humidity of only 30%. Its pristine mountains and pastures, clean air and clean water make Sun Valley a highly desirable place to work, play, live and visit.
Technical Topic Areas
1. Accident Tolerant Fuels
2. Advanced Multidimensional Reactor Kinetics Methods
3. Advanced Reactor Designs
4. Burn-up Credit and Spent Fuel Measurements
5. Computational Reactor Physics on Advanced Computing Architectures
6. Depletion Methods for Reactor Analysis
7. Deterministic/Monte Carlo Hybrid Methods
8. Fuel Cycle Physics, Management & Optimization
9. Light Water Reactor Sustainability
10. Modeling and Simulation for Nonproliferation and Safeguards
11. Multi-Physics Reactor Simulations
12. Nuclear Data, Evaluations & Libraries
13. Reactor Analysis Methods
14. Reactor Operation and Control
15. Reactor Physics Standards
16. Reactor Physics in Research Reactors
17. Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analysis
18. Transient Reactor Testing
19. Validation Dosimetry, Experiments, Benchmarks and Facilities
20. Verification and Validation of Reactor Analysis Methods