Exciting news! For four days, starting from Sept 29, 2015, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University (DNU) will be hosting YSF-2015, the International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics. We, the Young Scientists Council of IRE NASU, the Young Scientists Council of BITP NASU, the Young Scientists Council of the Department of Physics and Astronomy NASU and scientists of DNU, as organizers, strive to make it a memorable event for each and every participant. Though being held for the first time, YSF-2015 already has some background. It is designed to be an international scientific meeting and a place where it is all about interactions, finding collaborators, projects and motivation to move forward in science and, last but not least, about having fun. To fulfill these goals, we're going to make the Forum an interdisciplinary event with the broad spectrum of topics covered, several workshops, round tables and active social program. If you are a student or a young scientist under 35 y.o. and work in any of mentioned here or related fields, come and join us this fall!