After successful meetings held in Bombannes, France (1989), Santa Barbara, CA, USA (1992), Ysermonde, Belgium (1995), Angra do Reis, Brazil (1998), Marilleva, Italy (2001), Cocoa Beach, FL, USA (2004), Argelès-sur-Mer, France (2007), Algarve, Portugal (2010), and Okinawa, Japan (2013), the International Symposia on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy reaches an important milestone, its 10th conference.
This long successful path of EIS conferences demonstrates that the International Symposia on EIS present the most important forum on the general topic of EIS. Aimed at further strengening the use of EIS methodology, enlarging and spreading the applications of EIS around the globe, the conference in 2016 will reach the location that was considered in ancient times as the end of the world. The Organizing Committee is pleased to welcome all participants and wishes you many fruitful scientific discussions and a very pleasant stay at beautiful A Toxa Island.