The International Glaciological Society will hold an International Symposium on ‘Polar Ice, Polar Climate, Polar Change’ in 2017. The symposium will be held on the University of Colorado Boulder campus at the University Memorial Center and other campus venues on 14–19 August 2017. THEMES The changes of the past 15 years in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice and the ice sheets appear to be a prelude to new levels of impact of the polar regions on global climate and sea level. The single-year ice system is expanding in the Arctic, with processes comparable to those of Antarctic sea ice. Antarctic sea ice extent is highly variable, and is responding to shifts in ocean circulation and wind patterns. Both polar sea ice systems interact in important ways with climate and with the adjacent ice sheets. Much of this growing awareness and understanding has come from the tremendous success of satellite and airborne remote sensing, supporting both process studies and modeling of the geophysical basis for observed changes. The proposed symposium would both summarize new, high-profile results from the international research communities and provide a synthesis of current understanding as climate change impacts continue.
We welcome all submissions for presentations under the broad topics of polar remote sensing and polar cryospheric and climate system modeling. The key focus areas are:
1. Sea ice mapping and observations of sea-ice–climate–ocean processes and interactions; remote determination of snow cover on sea ice or sea-ice thickness; sea-ice models; past, present and future evolution of the Arctic or Antarctic sea-ice system; studies combining field and remote observations
2. Satellite or airborne observations of ice-sheet mass balance, glacier flow, ice-sheet accumulation, surface melting, melt ponds and streams; remote sensing of ice–ocean interaction and ocean circulation near the ice front; new observational techniques; historical records of ice flow and thickness
3. Model studies of ice-sheet and ice–ocean processes; polar climate models; coupled models of the polar atmosphere–ice–ocean–land system; predictive models of the evolution of the ice-sheet system or ice–ocean system over the next few decades to centuries
4. Trends in snow cover over the Northern Hemisphere; snow albedo, dust and soot in snow; new technologies for mapping snow cover; remote sensing (satellite and airborne) studies of permafrost, new methods of observation of permafrost
5. Calibration and validation studies of polar remote sensing data
6. Information on the polar cryosphere, especially sea ice extents, from early satellite or other remote sensing records; data rescue
7. Data management and informatics as they apply to polar remote sensing data, calibration–validation data sets