The workshop will be held in Beijing from July 9 to July 10, 2016, just two days before IGARSS 2016. We are delighted to welcome you to attend this workshop specifically organized for quantitative remote sensing science community focusing on Heterogeneous Land Surface.
As you know, modeling of radiative transfer and scattering mechanism and estimations of land surface parameters using remote sensing models have led to numerous achievements that have been successfully applied in many applications. However, the mechanisms associated with radiative transfer and scattering for heterogeneous land surfaces, as well as the scale extension mechanisms of remote sensing information, are still not well-understood. Over the years, the problems mentioned above have seriously hindered the application of quantitative remote sensing. In the context of dynamic analyses and modeling based on remote sensing information in relation to heterogeneous land surfaces, new challenges have arisen regarding basic theory and quantitative remote sensing methodology.
All abstracts must be written in English.
Please prepare your abstract according to the author guidelines for workshop abstract submission.
The maximum abstract page limit is four pages. Abstracts should be concise and should clearly state the following: (1) The title of the paper. (2) A list of authors names. (3) The affiliation of each author. (4) The email address, physical address, and telephone number of the corresponding author. (5) Information regarding the problem being addressed, the methodology used for study, and the central conclusions. Figures and graphs may be included as long as they do not exceed the page limit. (6) A list of acknowledgements. (7) A list of references. Please indicate the workshop theme the abstract will address (see the four points listed above) and the presentation type (poster or oral) before the title of the abstract (in the first line of the abstract).